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Job review from Ms. in East Hartford, CT 06118 on 11/28/18
Overall Rating:
4.8 out of 5Our Overall Service
I wish that there clean up was better and before they dug up my backyard I would have liked to have input, because my yard is uneven and sunken not filled in properly
Call Representative
No problems there
Sales Process
Tony was great.
Our Installation Crew
Very respectful, and while I would like to think that they took pride in their work I think that it can become habit and they didn't stress the details, like caulking, seams were not all secure
The Cleanup Process
Again I'm a woman what can I say, some "men" will probably never get my approval when it comes to cleaning even a dry vac would have made me so happy
What made you choose our company:
A church member likes you on FB, I trust him he's newly married and their expecting their first child, so also your Reputable, Nationally known, BBB certified and financing was available
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East Hartford, CT 06118
Hartford County
Wednesday, November 28th