Job review from in Meriden, CT 06451 on 04/23/23

Overall Rating:

5  out of 5
Our Overall Service
Call Representative
Sales Process
Our Installation Crew
The Cleanup Process

What made you choose our company:

I usually get water in my basement once or twice a year during a heavy rain. The water never covers the entire floor or is high enough to do damage and is a fairly easy cleanup with a wet vac after the water stops coming in. I've been meaning to call this company for years but put it off when the weather is good (out of sight, out of mind). After we had two floods in 2021, the first in July was the worst in 36 years, covering everywhere and I had three floor pumps running for hours, and it made us cancel a wedding out of state; and the second one happened when I was on a walker after hip replacement surgery, so my wife had to do the clean up, I said no more of this crap and called your company. Our salesman Rick Raucci knew exactly what had to be done and the installation crew were also professionals who performed the work in one day in August of 2022. So far this year (2023) and after the installation, we've had two occasions where we would have been flooded but the system worked as expected and there wasn't a drop of water anywhere because the sump pump kept piping the water outside. Great work, guys!