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Foundation Repair Companies in South Carolina

Laurens, SC 29360

Experts in Fixing Foundation Problems in SC
South Carolina homes' foundations are at the mercy of their environment. When torrential downpours seep into clay soils or dry conditions cause soils to shrink, walls can buckle and cause serious damage to the home's foundation. Additionally, poor supporting soils and poorly compacted fill underneath a home can cause foundation settlement, which leads to cracks and sometimes severe foundation issues. SC homeowners are often left with a compromised structure and significant depletion to their home's value.
Your home’s foundation is at the base for your entire home, therefore affecting the whole structure. Symptoms of a failing foundation can be seen everywhere from uneven floors to jamming windows, to cracks in drywall, and tilting chimneys. A Foundation Supportworks dealer can help identify all the foundation problems and causes within your home and advise you about which steps to take to effectively repair the structure.
South Carolina crawl space supports are prone to sinking when the underneath soils are poorly compacted or too weak for supporting heavy loads. Over time, this settlement will lead to a sinking structure as well as creating uneven floors and many other issues. If this foundation problem is not repaired for too long, the damage may become serious, possibly even requiring the complete rebuilding of the crawl space. Installing crawl space jacks is a job that can be completed in about a day. This is a solid option for adding effective crawl space support to a home.
Don't live with foundation problems! Your basement walls, crawl space supports, and foundation should be solid and supported so your entire home can retain its value and remain in good repair. Foundation Supportworks foundation repair contractors are located all over South Carolina who are ready and willing to help you transform your failing foundation into the strong supporting structure it should be. Each of our foundation contractors and crawl space support contractors have been trained in the Foundation Supportworks national headquarters and are in the industry. We have customized solutions for foundation issues that will help you reclaim this space!
The foundation repair experts with the Foundation Supportworks Network want to restore your foundation to its original strong structural condition. Here's how we can help. Each of our dealers offers a FREE no-obligation written quote and professional foundation or crawl space inspection! Once you've signed up for your crawl space structural repair quote or foundation repair estimate, one of our South Carolina-based foundation specialists will conduct a free foundation inspection and prepare you for the necessary repairs.
South Carolina home owners from throughout the state have come to us by the thousand regarding their foundation needs. Thankfully, our local dealers service all South Carolina areas including, Anderson, Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Goose Creek, Greenville, Mount Pleasant, North Charleston, Rock Hill, and Summerville. We are confident that our products will solve any of your foundation needs. We offer rugged steel foundation repair products such as foundation piers, wall anchors, and crawl space jacks. Foundation Supportworks wall anchors and helical tiebacks are a solid and intelligent way to restore structure to your foundation walls. Foundation wall anchors install with minimal disruption of the yard and are a cost-effective solution that installs in about a day. Foundation Supportworks’ foundation piers offer a solid way to stabilize a home's foundation and transfer the home's weight to the stronger supporting soils underneath the home. Our foundation and crawl space structural support experts work all over South Carolina, from the SC shoreline areas including Charleston, Georgetown, and North Myrtle Beach, to the northern towns of Gaffney, Rock Hill and Chesterfield, and all the way to the western tip towns of Walhallah, Clemson, and Easley, and nearly all other regions of SC!
If you’re looking for a foundation repair contractor, then you must contact one of our Foundation Supportworks dealers; we are here for you! We, along with dealers throughout the U.S. and Canada form an international network! Call us toll free or contact us online. We want to put an end to your foundation problems! With our vast availability to foundation repair solutions such as footing repair, slab lifting and leveling, and stone foundation restoration; we are confident and trustworthy to serve you as your South Carolina foundation repair expert.
By Mary W.Candler, NC"Very professional very nice great personalitys hard workers"
By JoshTravelers Rest, SC"All around very professional and a well-run organization."
By Thad C.Boiling Springs, SC"I asked the installer to pitch the sidewalk slightly away..."
By Jean L.Salem, SC"Roberto and nick did a great job they was very patient..."
By Jill E.Salem, SC"Roberto and nick did a great job and went way beyond..."
By Yuriy DovbaGreenville, SC"Thank you"
Recent job requests for foundation & concrete repair in South Carolina
Recent job requests for foundation & concrete repair in SC
Inman, SC 29349Floor joist was cut to allow plumbing to be be installed by previous owner. Need it repaired to level sagging floor in bathroom before remodel.
Gaffney, SC 29341Pool deck leveling
Boiling Springs, SC 29316Concrete steps and sidewalk in front of house are sinking. Would like mudjacking or alternative to level it back out.
Travelers Rest, SC 29690Front porch slab is sinking toward house, 1.5 - 2.25 inches across back, and a 1.0" rise in right front corner. Original pour was two 40" x 86.5" slabs. No cracking other than at the control joint in the middle.
Spartanburg, SC 29304I have concrete in different areas in the factory that is sagging when very heavy objects drive across them
Clover, SC 29710Concrete sunk in my driveway
Spartanburg, SC 29303Floor is sagging in areas
Lyman, SC 29365We want to stop and reverse uneven settling before it becomes a serious problem.
Spartanburg, SC 29307One corner of garage floor has cracked and sunken 1-2 inches.
Clover, SC 29710One of the concrete panels closest to our garage has sunk considerably in the 3 years since our home was built.
Easley, SC 29642The sidewalk leading up to front porch has settled by 3-4inches creating a trip hazard.
Easley, SC 29642Front sidewalk walkway has sunk, needs foam levelling.
Simpsonville, SC 29681Need driveway leveled
Walhalla, SC 29691Residential detached garage; slab is cracked and one side has settled 2-3 inches.
Simpsonville, SC 29681Concrete patio needs to be lifted