Job review from in Lexington, SC 29072 on 06/03/21

Overall Rating:

5  out of 5
Our Overall Service
Call Representative
Our Installation Crew
The Cleanup Process

What made you choose our company:

By referral from Scott Weitzel, I was OVERLY impressed by Cantey. Wes Cayton performed the work, and I could not possibly be any more satisfied. With employees like Wes who express utmost professionalism and a SOLID, DIE HARD AMERICAN WORKMANSHIP that's rich in craftsmanship and effort, there simply is NO competition. The character this guy displayed (and in a humble manner) literally stayed in my mind and has inspired me daily to be a better worker. DO NOT let this guy go. Commend him; reward him; appreciate him. There's few people left like him around. Will be referring Cantey to EVERYONE!! And now I understand why Scott Weitzel recommended this company so highly. With the front line of it being Wes, I totally understand why!