Job review from in Fort Atkinson, WI 53538 on 10/31/14

Overall Rating:

4.8  out of 5

Some time ago, I gathered estimates from other basement repair companies. Their prices were lower than yours but the processes varied to the point of confusion. I thought Brian made a great sales presentation on your behalf but frankly, I was skeptical about an inside repair versus outside repair. I was also surprised that the price was higher.

However, I was impressed when I saw the attention to detail in planning and execution. Your warranty helped to overcome some of my concerns. We are very happy right now and I hope we can count on you if there is a problem down the road.

Thank you.

Our Overall Service
Call Representative
Our Office Staff
Sales Process
Our Installation Crew
The Cleanup Process

What made you choose our company:

You are locally owned. Positive comments from friends. Length of time in business - community investment.

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