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Foundation Work Gives a Lift in Milton, DE
A local church had a meeting room that was beginning to fall in. DryZone was happy to help and provide the needed lift to get them back on track.
Basement Crack Repair Milton, DE
This homeowner noticed a large crack in the corner of their basement on the foundation wall. They gave us a call to come take a look and we deemed we could correct the issue by using our FlexiSpan Crack Repair system. This product fills and seals the crack to avoid it getting worse & to avoid any water getting into the basement.
Side walk leveled by PolyLevel injection In Harbeson DE
Having uneven concrete blocks can be a tripping hazard to young and old alike and in some towns can even lead to a fine. This can be swiftly fixed with the application of a poly level injection which will not only lift the concrete but also pack the dirt beneath it so that settling after the job is done won't be a problem.
I can see daylight!
This house looks like it's about to split in half. The ground underneath sunk in which means there was nothing under the house to support this wall causing it to start sinking down. So how do you fix a crack this big? We put some support under to hold it up by installing helical push piers, they not only hold the house up but raise it back up to the right position. These piers can be raised or lowered as necessary.
House foundation repaired with Smart Jack installation in Millsboro, DE
DryZone repairs foundations the smart way with Smart Jacks which are specially designed to lift and support your foundation. Each Jack is able to hold over 60,000 pounds of weight and is made out of galvanized steel so you don't have to worry about it rusting.