Before & After Photos

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Bowing Wall Repair in Dugger, IN

A homeowner in Dugger, Indiana was very concerned about his home's foundation due to a block wall in his basement bowing inward, which caused a large horizontal crack the entire width of the wall.  Our Certified Inspector Casey provided a thorough inspection of the basement and determined that the basement wall needed permanent stabilization before the wall completely failed.  Our Foreman Evert and his crew members Miguel, Edwin, and Ramon installed Geo-Lock wall anchors to help pull the wall back.  

Sagging Floor Repair in Terre Haute, IN

Homeowner Jeff had sagging floors above his crawl space.  Our production crew installed the SmartJack Support System to stabilize the floor joists and floors above the crawl space.

Basement Wall Crack Repair in Terre Haute, IN

A homeowner in Terre Haute, Indiana noticed a large vertical wall crack forming in the basement near a door frame.  Our Certified Inspector Grant provided an inspection of the basement walls and determined that stabilizing the wall to prevent further movement would be the best solution.  Our Foreman Emilio and his crew members Jose and Eliuc installed our PowerBrace System to stabilize the block basement foundation wall,. 

Crawl Space Foundation Wall Rebuild in Terre Haute, IN

A homeowner in Terre Haute, Indiana was concerned about the block foundation of his home, particularly on one corner of the home where the block had almost completely disintegrated.  Our Certified Inspector Grant educated the homeowner on our process of completely rebuilding the block foundation. Our Foreman Emilio and his crew members Jose and Eliuc completed the foundation rebuild project.  

Foundation Stabilization in Terre Haute, IN

A homeowner in Terre Haute, Indiana had significant exterior cracks in his foundation that he was concerned about.  Our Certified Inspector Devon met with the homeowner and recommended installing helical piers to permanently stabilize the foundation.  Our Foreman Evert and his crew members Adam, Ramon, and Marcos installed a total of 7 Helical Piers to lift and stabilize the foundation.