Before & After Photos

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Foundation Lifted in East Moline, IL

This East Moline homeowner was facing foundation settlement so significantly that you could see right through the crack into the garage. With the use of Helical Piers our crews were able to completely lift and re-stabilize the foundation.

Support Beams Installed in Galena, IL

This Galena, IL homeowner noticed his floors were uneven, signaling underlying structural issues. After recognizing the need for additional support, he decided to give us at MidAmerica Basement Systems a call. We were able to combat this issue by installing SmartJacks and supplemental beams, significantly improving the stability and evenness of the floors. The after photo proudly showcases this, demonstrating our commitment to providing long-lasting solutions and remarkable customer experiences. 

PowerBraces Support Basement Walls in Ottawa, IL

Jim slowly started noticing a slight bow happening and over the years its become very apparent. Jim was concerned of it collapsing and wondering is there we a way to straighten out the wall without having to redo the foundation. Our Design Specialist, Dan Garner recommended our PowerBrace System. The PowerBrace is designed to support basement walls and allow for potential straightening over time.

Stabilizing Bowing Walls in Deer Creek, IL Basement

Dustin was noticing stair-step cracking in his block foundation and grew concern. He reached out to MidAmerica Basement Systems to have his issue looked at to find out what solution would best fit his home. It was noted that the walls had begun to bow, causing the cracking. A GeoLock Wall Anchor system was offered to stabilize the walls, preventing them from worsening over time. GeoLock Anchors are placed outside the home’s foundation, locking into the soil to produce the appropriate hold needed for the failing walls. Galvanized steel walls are than attached to the foundation walls to lock the system into place. The GeoLock Wall Anchor system allows for the walls to be tightened over time, increasing the chances of straightening the walls to their original state.

Supporting Bowing Wall with PowerBrace System in Peru, IL

Hersh was concerned about the water that water coming in through the basement wall, and then realized it was because of a wall bowing. He contacted MidAmerica Basement Systems to permanently stop his walls from worsening. During his evaluation, Chris offered him the solution of a PowerBrace system. PowerBraces use the wooden floor joist system of your home to properly support the pressure exhorted against the failing wall, without damaging the rest of the home. The patented PowerBrace system also allows for the I-Beams to be tightened over time, which can increase the chances of straightening the walls back to normal in time.