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SmartJacks Stabilize Sagging Floors in Alexis, IL
Kathy lives in a home that was built in the late 1800’s, and over the years, the floors of the home have begun to slowly sag. Finally, she reached out to MidAmerica Basement Systems to have her situation handled. Mike looked at her issue and proposed her a SmartJack system. SmartJacks are galvanized steel columns that have a load compacity of more than 60,000 pounds making them ideal for stabilizing a home’s sagging floor. The concrete floor is dug up and filled with tightly-compacted crushed stone to provide the proper weight barring exertion needed for each column. Once the holes are filled, the SmartJacks are installed and cemented down to the floor and connected to the girder system. Each SmartJack is tightened to permanently stabilize the floor, and even potentially lift the floors back to level.
Stabilizing Foundation Walls in Bettendorf, IA
The homeowner of this Bettendorf home wanted to permanently stabilize their foundation walls so they called the professionals at MidAmerica Basement Systems. The team installed wall anchors to not only permanently stabilize the foundation walls, but to potentially straighten them with time.
Basement Wall Stabilization in Bettendorf, IA
Ian W. of Bettendorf, IA had a crack in his foundation wall after a recent storm. He called MidAmeirca Basement Systems and met with design specialist Mike Banks. Mike recommended stabilizing the walls with CarbonArmor, which is working out great for Ian and his wall!
SmartJack in Pleasant Valley, IA
Christine was noticing stair-step cracking in her basement foundation and was concerned about the sagging floors in the rest of her home. She reached out the MidAmerica Basement Systems to have her home inspected. Upon assessment, Design Specialist, Mike Banks, presented the proposal of having SmartJacks and Push Piers installed to support the failing foundation. SmartJacks are steel support systems that are placed on girders and floor joists to level and stabilizing sagging floors. Push Piers are driven into the soil to help lift your home back to its original position, while potentially closing foundation cracks. Christine now has a stable, level home.
New Foundation Repair in Bettendorf, IA
Bowing wall repaired with push piers.