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Cracked Basement Wall in Dubuque, IA
A homeowner with a cracked basement wall gets help with crack injection foam.
PowerBraces Help Garage in Dubuque, IA
PowerBraces help a bowing wall in a garage in Dubuque, IA
Horizontal Cracked Wall Stabilized in Oxford Junction, IA
A homeowner in Oxford Junction, IA was having a bowing wall issue. A horizontal crack had formed through the middle of the basement wall and ran across almost the whole length of it. This was an issue that would not be able to be fixed without the help of an expert. The homeowner called MidAmerica Basement Systems and Design Specialist, Bryan was able to come out to take a look at the wall and give them the best recommendation to fix it once and for all, Geo-Lock Anchor System!
Geo-Lock Anchors were installed in the homeowner's home. This system will permanently stabilize the basement wall and over time bring the wall back to its original state. It is installed with heavy duty earth anchors that are embedded in the stable soil away from the basement wall. It is connected to a steel plate by a galvanized rod. Once everything is installed the anchors are then tightened and will hold the wall in its place. During dry seasons the system can be tightened even more to bring the wall back to its original position over time.
Thanks to Design Specialist, Bryan, and Installer, John, and the MidAmerica Basement Systems Team, the homeowner can now have one less worry in their mind! If you too are looking to have your bowing wall fixed, do not hesitate to reach out to MidAmerica Basement Systems. We would be more than happy to send a Design Specialist out to come to give you a free, no-obligation estimate. Contact us today!
Crack Injection Repair in Peosta, IA
Foundation crack injection in Peosta, IA.
Stabilizing Foundation Walls for Home in Atalissa, IA
Alan was having some issues with his basement foundation walls bowing inward. He contacted MidAmerica Basement Systems to have his problem addressed. He was offered a PowerBrace to permanently stabilize his foundation, and prevent it from worsening. The galvanized steel I-Beams have a patented tightening option that can help better the walls and reverse the bowing over time. PowerBraces use the wooden joist system to apply the appropriate pressure against the foundation that is needed to permanently stop the walls from worsening. With the PowerBrace system, Alan’s home is safely stabilized, increasing the life of the home itself.