Before & After Photos

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Concrete Repair in Des Moines, IA

This home had a large driveway with deep cracks. The homeowner wanted to extend the life of the concrete for as long as possible and avoid having to replace it at all costs. Concerned with people tripping, they knew they had to get it fixed. They worked with Midwest in the past, so they knew how timely and thorough we were on our diagnosis. We sent Mike Portel, System Design Specialist, to inspect the concrete and develop a proposal.

Upon inspection, he confirmed several concrete slabs across the driveway and sidewalk had settled anywhere from 1/2" to 1 1/2". To fix the issue, we used PolyLevel; a foam injected in pea-size holes that fill in voids underneath the surface of the concrete and lifts the current slab to its original position. To fix cracks and joints, we then used NexusPro. 

The homeowners were extremely satisfied and surprised with how quick we got it all done!

Street Creep Scares in Des Moines!

Matt loves the home he moved into last year, but it comes with some structural issues that need to be addressed. His property has a large concrete driveway that leads down to his home. The large concrete slab is pushing against the come, causing damage to the structure of the garage. Additionally, the soil around Matt's home is consolidating and causing a sinking right at the garage entrance. 

To fix these issues, Midwest used PolyLevel to lift and level the driveway lip going into the parage. We also installed a CompressionGuard that will fix the issues street creep is creating in the structure. 

Concrete Damage from Poor Drainage

This customer loves her old concrete. She wants to prevent trips and protect her concrete for years to come. The problems with the concrete were due to the soil being washed out from poor drainage. To fix this, we lifted and leveled the concrete with PolyLevel and caulked the joints with NexusPro. We installed RainDrop gutter guards and buried her downspouts to prevent this from happening again! 

Concrete Leveling and Repair in Des Moines, IA

The concrete at this home had settled and there was one crack and a tripping hazard. The owner does not want to have to worry about the mailman/woman or anyone else walking up to her front door and tripping over the crack in her sidewalk. She stated, "I know it's there and I trip over it. I don't want someone walking up to my door and getting hurt because of my sidewalk." 


We used Polylevel to raise the sidewalk and make it an even walking surface. We then sealed the cracks and control joints with NexusPro to further protect the concrete. 

Driveway Crack Repair and Prevention in Des Moines, IA

This customer hated the way her driveway looked and she didn't want it to get worse. We noted her concrete was cracking due to street creep. To address this issue, we used polylevel foam to lift the driveway back into its proper position and applied nexus pro to fill and seal the cracks. To prevent future damage from street creep, we added Compression Guard to the driveway. This will help ensure that the driveway remains level and crack-free for years to come.