Before & After Photos

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Installing an Egress Window in Osceola, IN

Jennifer and Brandon's partially finished basement has a room and an open area. The room is being used by their daughter for her room and they want to turn the open area into another living space. A finished basement requires an egress window, which is a large window that someone can fit through in case of emergencies. The window well has stairs or a ladder in it to assist in a safe exit. The large window also allows a ton of natural light to enter the space making it appear cleaner, larger, and more inviting! 

Concrete Walls Crack in Williamston, MI

Unfortunately, as time goes on, concrete walls begin to crack and our customer Charles H. witnessed just that. Based on their material, concrete walls allow moisture to seep into basements and cracks just make it easier. We used our FlexiSpan to repair the crack in his wall. FlexiSpan seals the crack and has a built in backup strategy in case the seal fails. Also, FlexiSpan, as its name suggests, is flexible. It moves with the wall so no amount of wall movement will cause it to leak again.

Installing FlexiSpan in Williamston MI

This homeowner has a crack in her basment that was sealed with some yellow fill. The crack is back now and she wants it fixed since it could get worse. She called us to give her a long term solution to the problem. We installed FlexiSpan Wall Crack Repair to her wall and seal the crack. FlexiSpan is a flexible, waterproof sealant. This solution is designed to move with the wall make sure that the crack is sealed even if there is a shift in the wall. FlexiSpan installs smoothly over a wall and won't affect basement finishing.

Waterproofing a Williamston MI Basement

Gene added an addition to the home and there is a basement/crawl space under the new master bedroom. One of the walls leaks water into the area during rainy seasons and heavy rain. We installed the WaterGuard to keep the water out of the house. The WaterGuard is a French drain system that is installed under the floor but atop of the foundation so it won't clog. The water collected gets drained to the sump pump which then gets drained outside the home. The system installs quickly and has a clean finish!

Bowing Wall in Williamston, MI

The homeowners in Williamston, MI were noticing that one of their walls in their basment had horizontal cracks near the top of the wall and was starting to bow. Horizontal cracks are one of the first signs of a bowing wall. The cracks need to be fixed right away because they start out small, but they will increase in width over time as the soil outisde continues to put pressure on the wall. 

To fix the bowing wall out professional team installed the GeoLock Wall Anchor system. Galvanized steel earth anchors are embedded into the soil out away from the foundation wall. Steel wall plates are installed inside the home on the problem wall. The earth anchors and steel plates are then connected together by galvanized steel rods. Once installed, wall anchors will hold walls in their current position without any further adjustment. They can be tightened during dry periods allowing for improvement and straightening of the wall over time. 

The GeoLock wall anchor system stops the homeowners wall from bowing and allows the wall to be straightened over time.