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Shotcrete Repairs Foundation Walls in Jackson, MI, Home
Angie noticed cracks and crevices in her home's foundation walls and knew it wasn't a good sign. After researching her options online, she decided to call Ayers for help. Our team of professionals visited her home to evaluate the situation and suggest a solution. They recommended Shotcrete, a solution that applies a concrete or mortar wet spray through a high-pressure hose to fill a form or repair damaged surfaces. Angie is happy with the final product!
PolyLevel Solves Draining Issue in Royal Oak, MI
Erin and Michael realized a large crack had formed in the garage, causing a void. The couple tried to fill the void, yet it only worsened their situation as water had no way to drain. The couple reached out to Ayers to find a permanent solution. After inspecting their home, the team suggested the PolyLevel System. PolyLevel is a system where foam is inserted below the cement allowing the team to rise and level the cement. Erin and Michael were thrilled with the solution; their cement could now drain correctly and looked terrific!
Pool Deck in Burr Oak, MI with Large Hazardous Crack
We recieved a call in March from a customer in Burr Oak about their pool decl that was cracking. We drove to their property and installed PolyLevel which is an advanced polymer injection foam that we blast into the concrete to level it out and make it stronger than ever before. PolyLevel worked to raise and level out the concrete slabs while dealing with the weak soils below that were no longer able to hold the weight of the home above. We drilled multiple small holes into the concrete slabs in order to inject them with a polymer material that expanded to lift and level out the concrete. Once injected, the system only needed about 15 minutes to fully cure and the slabs were then stabilized and lifted to their proper level, and stronger than ever before. We combined this with our NexusPro Joint Sealer which is a crack free sealer that is perfect for large cracks in the concrete. Now, this homeowner will not have to worry about this ever again.
PolyLEVEL Restores Pleasant Lake, MI Garage Floor
The floor in this 400 square foot garage was sinking - well, parts of it were, and not all at the same depth. We used PolyLEVEL to restore the concrete slab floor to the proper height, and to make sure that all parts of the slab were at the SAME height.
Concrete Leveling in Sturgis, MI
Lou and his wife's forever home was perfect! It was built in 1991 and in great condition. The only thing wrong with it was the driveway. Two or three sections of the concrete needed to be leveled, and the whole thing needed to be sealed. They called Ayers for an inspection and our crew determined that they would need PolyLevel and NesusPro.
The PolyLevel system is used to repair sinking concrete by drilling minuscule holes into the slab and filling them with foam. The foam raises the slab and fortifies it to make it last even longer. NexusPro is a sealant that fills cracks in the concrete. It is extremely withstanding to harsh weather so it will remain flexible for years.
Lou and his wife were ecstatic to be able to finalize the last piece of their forever home. This fix was simple and done in one day.