Before & After Photos

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Poly Level Preserves an Enclosed Porch in Ada, MI

Beth L., from Ada, MI was experiencing a cracked floor square near a foundation support for her enclosed porch. She was worried water would begin seeping through the crack and that it would continue to grow. After pricing replacement of the floor, Beth knew this wasn’t the right solution for her. Seeking an equally effective and affordable concrete repair solution, Beth contacted us.

Our concrete leveling expert Ty Azevedo carefully assessed the faulty floor square in Beth’s enclosed porch. He proposed the option of using our specially formulated Poly Level product to return the floor to its original position. Ty and Beth worked to create the perfect Poly Level plan for her. Poly Level provided our friend Beth with a permanent waterproof solution and eliminated her worries. Let us help you too, call today for your free repair estimate.

Leveling a Back Walkout in Ada MI with PolyLevel

Andrew has a walk out from the basement in the bcak of his home. It is made up of four concrete slabs and the two closest to the house are sloping towards the basement slider. In the winter there is ice and in the warmer months there is water piled up by the door. We installed Polylevel to lift the concrete slabs. PolyLevel was the perfect soiution to the Andrew's problems! PolyLevel is an injectable foam that is light but strong and lifts concrete back to the original position. It is waterproof so it won't wash away from rain or washing the porch. The foam also has a very quick curing time of only 15 minutes so it won't intrude on your time or space!

Leveling a Back Walkout in Ada, MI

This home has a walkout from the basement that contains 4 concrete slabs. The 2 slabs that are closest to the house are sloping towards the home. The homeowner wants the walk out level but also the 2 slabs fixed so that in the winter there isn't a giant spot of ice right outside the sliding door. We used PolyLevel to lift the slabs and restore the position of them to make the walkout area level. PolyLevel is a light weight injectable foam that is sprayed under the concrete. It is waterproof and stable so it won't get washed away or react with the soil underneath. The best part is that it cures in about 15 minutes so the homeowners can be back to using the walkout in no time!

Leveling a Sidewalk in Hamilton MI

This Hamilton couple have some settling occurring in their sidewalk near the front porch. They have noticed the settling has been happening slowly over the past couple years but are ready to have the issue fixed before things get worse. PolyLevel, the waterproof foam, is lightweight enough to lift the concrete back to a level position without putting added pressure on the unstable soil. The best part is that the whole installation process and curing time take less than an hour!


Concrete Leveling in Wyoming MI

Will's driveway was sinking and during the rain, water would pool in the middle. We used PolyLevel for their solution. PolyLevel is an injectable foam what lifts concrete and is waterproof so the rain won't wash it away. The foam cures in only 15 minutes so that the driveway can be full load bearing in just a short time!