Before & After Photos

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Stabilizing a Grand Rapids Foundation Wall

This Grand Rapids home had a foundation wall that was cracked and bowing. They were nervous about the home and wanted a solution that would stabilize the wall permanently. We used the GeoLock Wall Anchors which are made of steel and provide a long-lasting solution to prevent further movement in the wall. They won't take up space in the basement and the installation won't disrupt the lawn.


Egress Window Installation in Kentwood, MI

Jacob plans on finishing his Kentwood, MI basement and wants to add another bedroom. To do so, he called Ayers for an inspection for an egress window installation. 

Egress windows from Ayers bring safety and beauty in one. Building codes require that basement living spaces must have a large enough window to safely evacuate in case of emergency. Our windows have built-in steps and durable covers that hold up to 500 pounds. Because adding an egress window requires cutting a hole in the foundation, a window installation company is not the safest option. Ayers knows foundations and knows how to install an egress window properly. 

Jason was thrilled with the installation done by the Ayers crew. He was more than satisfied with the egress window and can’t wait to finish the rest of the basement! 

CleanSpace Wall System and Carbon Armor Team up to Defend Grand Rapids, MI Home From Troubling Foundation Wall Cracks

Marcy was sick of the foundation crack that was causing her all sorts of trouble like water leaks. She made the right call talking to Ayers and getting an appointment set up. After an inspection we went forward with installing CarbonArmor and our CleanSpace Wall System to address these issues. First with Carbon Armor these carbon fiber straps will fix the bowing wall by preventing further inward movement. Then with the CleanSpace Wall System this will cover these foundation walls and act as a vapor barrier to combat excess vapor or moisture with its poly sheet material. 


Marcy was happy to get these serious issues resolved before they jeopardized the safety of her home!

Stabilizing Cracked Walls in Grand Rapids, MI, Basement with GeoLock Wall Anchors

Ellen's basement walls were cracking, and she worried if they were left untreated, those cracks would continue to grow. She needed help, so she researched and called Ayers to learn about our solutions. A team of experts visited her property to evaluate and recommend a solution. They suggested GeoLock wall anchors, anchored to the failing wall and connected to a ground anchor by a steel rod. The ground anchor is placed away from the home in solid, undisturbed soil to secure the connection. Ellen feels more comfortable in her house!

Carbon Armor Stabilizes Foundation Wall in Grand Rapids, MI

Ronald M. called because of a crack he had in his foundation basement wall. The crack was spreading to the floor and was beginning to contribute to other foundation issues.

We installed the CarbonArmor Wall Reinforcing System to fix the cracked foundation wall. The strips in this system are made from a fiber reinforced polymer that is 10 times stronger than steel. The straps are attached to the wall using apoxy resin, which will stabilize the wall and shift it back to its original position.