Before & After Photos

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Concrete Sidewalk Before and After in Chaseburg, WI

A homeowner in Chaseburg, WI, saw that their sidewalk was beginning to sink into the ground. Worried it would affect the home's curb appeal, the homeowner began looking for a solution. While searching, the homeowner came across an article discussing PolyLevel, a polyurethane foam solution. After reading the article, the homeowner was convinced. The homeowner looked into concrete repair companies that offer PolyLevel injection. After they looked through several companies, the homeowner was drawn to work with us, American Waterworks. The homeowner called our Appointment Center and signed up for their FREE estimate. Once the appointment was set, the homeowner awaited the arrival of Will, one of our Design Specialists. After Will arrived at the home, he began his detailed inspection of the sidewalk. Will determined the sidewalk was sinking into the ground and he recommended lifting the concrete back to its original height. Wanting to restore their curb appeal, the homeowner agreed with Will's recommendations. After they were approved, Will sent the plans to the office to be finalized. Next, the plans were directed to our Foreman, Troy, and his crew, so they could begin the project. When they arrived, Troy and his crew began by lifting the sidewalk using PolyLevel, a polyurethane foam injection solution. The crew lifted the entire sidewalk to be even with its original height. Once the PolyLevel was fully installed, the crew cleaned up their materials and left the home. The homeowner was grateful for the wonderful work completed by the crew. American Waterworks is happy to restore our customer's sidewalks.  

Uneven Concrete Sidewalk Lifted in Chaseburg, WI

A Chaseburg, WI, homeowner had noticed his concrete sidewalk sinking over the years. He didn't want the issue to persist and didn't care to spend money replacing the entire sidewalk, so he began to look into concrete repair WI. When he found our website, he signed up for his FREE estimate, and several weeks later, Ross J, one of our Design Specialists, was headed out to the home.  

Ross got right to work assessing the concrete, and when he finished, he informed the homeowner that we could address the issue with the help of our PolyLevel injection. Ross explained that PolyLevel is a dense polyurethane foam that expands when it's injected beneath sinking concrete slabs. It slowly fills voids left by soil erosion and, in the process, lifts the sunken concrete back to its desired location. Ross went on to say that he wanted to protect the lift using our NexusPro. This silicone-based sealant gets installed to the cracks and joints in the newly lifted concrete and serves as a barrier against moisture. The homeowner liked the sound of Ross's plan, so he scheduled his job on the spot. 

On the day of the installation, Sam K, one of our Foremen, completed the lift and seal with no issues. Now, our customer can rest easy knowing his concrete is level! 

Uneven sidewalk and driveway in Sparta, WI.

A homeowner in Sparta, WI reached out to American Waterworks with concerns of their sidewalk and concrete driveway sinking significantly.  American Waterworks was able to level the concrete with our trusted PolyLEVEL system and sealed off the remaining joints and cracks with our trusted NexusPro silicone-based sealant.

Lifted and Sealed Stoop in Sparta, WI

A homeowner in Sparta, WI was unhappy with the way her front stoop looked. She noticed that it had sunken a lot over the years and could easily see the line where it was supposed to be. She was hoping to find a solution to raise it back up rather than have to replace the stoop as a whole. Finding the American Waterworks website in her concrete repair search, she was immediately interested in our FREE no-obligation estimates. She signed up for her own and was greeted by Design Specialist Will Reader. Will inspected the area and assured the homeowner that the problem was fixable with the help of two products. The homeowner was pleased with the plan and agreed for the installation process to move forward. We sent over one of our Foremen, Troy Johnson, and his crew to the site where they carefully lifted the stoop with PolyLevel foam and sealed the open joints with NexusPro sealant. The homeowner was glad to have the stoop raised again and looking even better than before thanks to our team.


Is your stoop in need of some attention? We've got you covered at American Waterworks! Click HERE for you free estimate with us. 

Sinking Section of Concrete Gets Fixed in Sparta, WI

A homeowner in Sparta, WI, was dealing with an area of sunken concrete in front of an exterior door. He had taken one tumble too many and decided that it was time to start the search for a company that could fix the area. On the recommendation of a friend, he decided to call American Waterworks and set up a FREE estimate appointment, and a few weeks later, our Design Specialist, Will R, headed out to the home. 

Once Will did a thorough inspection of the area, he met with the homeowner to give his recommendation. Will stated that American Waterworks could address the sinking concrete by using our PolyLevel method. PolyLevel is a dense, polyurethane foam that expands when injected beneath concrete slabs, filling voids left by soil erosion and slowly lifting the concrete back into place. Will went on to say that we finish our lifting process by installing our NexusPro. A silicone-based sealant, NexusPro gets applied directly to the cracks and joints in the concrete and works to prevent debris and moisture from getting below the slab. The homeowner liked the plan Will laid out, and decided to schedule the work to be completed a few weeks later. 

On the day of the installation, our Foreman, Ryan T, and his team were able to complete the lift and seal with no complications. Now, our customers can enjoy his outdoor space without the worries of taking a tumble! 

Do you have a section of concrete giving you trouble? Click HERE for your FREE estimate!