Before & After Photos

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Porch Releveled Callahan Ranch

It is amazing how well this porch was releveled in the Callahan Ranch area using Polylevel foam to stabilize it and lift it back in to place

Patio Repaired with Polylevel on Empire Ranch Road in Carson City

Polylevel was used to lift concrete several inches and correct the drainage of this patio in Carson City, NV. 

Stewart Indian School Interior Shotcrete

Shotcrete of the interior of Stewart Indian School located in Carson City Nevada. The purpose of this shotcrete is to create a new structural facade of the existing historical site and restore it to a whole and operable state.

Concrete Repair

For this job, the crew scored and chipped where the rebar was exposed. They then used carbon fiber and cement to patch the exposed rebar area. Once finished, they replicated the ledge along the patch with the existing ledge and successfully repaired the concrete.

Sidewalk Releveled in Carson City using PolyLevel

Polylevel is very nice for releveling sidewalks at this home in Carson City, NV.