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Foundation Repair in Oklahoma City
Our team was able to close this crack near the window of the home.
House lifting in Moore, OK
Bob B and his family had experienced settling in their foundation. The Vesta Foundation Solutions team installed steel piers along the areas of their foundation. They use controlled lift to hydraulically lift the home back into position.
Interior Slab Lifted in Moore, OK
The Vesta team is flexing their muscles here by showing how foundation repair costs can be kept low by installing a reliable and sensible system called POLY Level. This home had sinking in their home upwards of two inches! This approach is the same approach used on sidewalks and other concrete surfaces.
Craked and Sinking Porch - Oklahoma City, Ok
This customer called in and was concerened about the porch on one of his rent homes, the distress was obvious but he was not sure what the best solution was. He had considered busting out the porch and re-pouring, but he decided to check out an alternative route which led him to Vesta. The Vesta team was able to offer him a quicker, more efficent, and cost effective solution. The porch was lifted and sealed prevetning any further damage.
Garage Slab Lift and Level Oklahoma City, OK
This customer was experiencing sinking on one side of their garage. Our team was able to lift and level the slab, closing the gap between the floor and the next level step.