Before & After Photos

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Driveway Repair With Injection Technology in Perry, OK

Sometimes when you see a settled driveway you think the best way to repair it may be to jackhammer the sections out and start over.  This thinking is common before customers find out about our PolyLevel system. This foam injection lift system does a great job to lift and level concrete back to original position.  

Shawnee, OK PolyLevel Repairs Cracked Wall

The Vesta Foundation Solutions Team used PolyLevel injection to repair a large crack in a home. It was a great success!

Front Steps Lifted in Arcadia, OK

This brand new home, in Arcadia, OK was already settling after quick rain storms settled the fill around the foundation. The Vesta Foundation Solutions team lifted this in one part in about 2 hours. 

Driveway repair in Arcadia, OK

We sealed and protected the joints in their driveway to prevent future settlement.

Sidewalk Lifted in Guthrie, OK

If you have been tolerating that little toe-catcher when you are unloading your groceries or trying to get into your home during a rain storm; you are like many of the customers that we help every day. This customer had the VESTA team lift their sidewalk nearly 4 inches!  This was less than 40% the cost of replacing the concrete and now they have a great warranty on this now safe access to their home!