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Sealed Wall Crack in Burlington, On
Jeff in Burlington has a home with a leaking wall crack. Omni Basement Systems sealed his wall crack with the patented Flexispan repair. Flexispan stays flexible for the life of the home and comes with a transferrable warranty.
New Triplesafe Sump system in Elora, On
Brent in Elora, On needed a more powerful and dependable sump pump system. He decided to have the amazing Triplesafe system installed. The Triplesafe features 3 pummps in one sump liner. 2 of the pumps are cast iron Zoeller pumps and one is a DC operated pump that runs of a large battery power cell.
New Sump pump in Mofatt, ON
Jeff from Mofatt, ON wanted a better sump pump than what he had. Phil from Omni Basement Systems suggested the Tiplesafe sump system. The Tripkesafe system features 3 pump in one pit. Two pumps are submersible, cast-iron pumps that run on AC power. The thrird pump is a DC pumps that runs off a large 12V power cell.
Best Waterproofing in Township Of Wilmot
Best Waterproofing in Township Of Wilmot
Waterproofing in Jordan Station
Waterproofing in Jordan Station