Before & After Photos

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Garage/Basement Waterproofing in Simpsonville, SC

This customer had some issues with their garage/storage space. Upon the initial inspection of the job, our Service Design Specialist saw several areas of standing water, as well as damp concrete around the perimeter of the space. This can be very detrimental, and cause problems like; mold, increased heating and cooling bills, and other damage to windows and floors. However, this homeowner called us before any serious or permanent damage was done.

The "before" photo shows an area close to the garage door, a great place for water to get it. You can see a small pool of water, as well as damp/wet concrete that goes all the way off screen. While the garage door does have somewhat of a seal, not enough to keep water out, especially during a heavy rain.

The "after" photo shows the same area as before, but with the installed Waterguard and TripleSafe sump pump. The Waterguard is installed around the perimeter of the basement to collect any water that comes into the basement. The water is then drained through the WaterGuard to the sump pump and is then pumped outside the home. These two products together provide great protection against a wet basement.

Everlast Door Outlasts All Competitors in Simpsonville, SC

Even if you get your crawlspace sealed from top to bottom with every bell and whistle imaginable, there’s still a chance you’ll have moisture issues if you do not properly seal the crawlspace entrance. This Simpsonville, SC homeowner discovered this fact very soon. Simply having a door doesn’t mean the space is secure. The equivalent of having a wooden door on a crawlspace is very much like installing a front door without a lock in the waterproofing world. Wooden doors, especially since they’re so low to the ground, will rot and warp. And once it has starting doing all of that, it won’t even seal properly. Now all that trouble you went to seal the space was all for nothing.

Take a look at the “Before” photo. The door is quite obviously wood. We know that. But around the door there are these skinny spaces. Normally, we wouldn’t bat an eye at something like that. However, since it’s a crawlspace, this is enough of an opening to cause an issue.

Now if we take a look at the “After” photo, we can see the major difference. This one completely seals the space from incoming air. Not only that, but, because it’s plastic, it won’t rot or wear. It doesn’t need paint and bugs won’t have a taste for it. The difference is as clear as night and day. Our Everlast Door is the way to go.

Basement Waterproofing in Seneca, SC

This home in Seneca was having some pretty serious issues with water getting into their basement. This was an especially important and serious issue because the basement in this home was a finished basement. This means that when the water gets in, it can start to ruin drywall, carpet, and even furniture! This can cause even more damage and repair and replacement costs will drastically go up (as well as still having to get the drainage system installed).

The "before" picture shows this closet area, which will be the home of the new sump pump, as well as the WaterGuard drainage system that was installed! While it doesn't look like much right now (I mean, it is just a closet), this room will be extremely important to the overall well-being of this basement and home as a whole.

The "after" photo shows the same area, but with our products installed. This area went through quite a large transformation throughout this process. It hardly looks like the same area anymore, with all of the different products installed and half of the wall gone!

What is seen here is, most noticeably, the TripleSafe Sump Pump, which pumps that water from the basement and to the outside. The next product is the CleanSpace liner, which is why the drywall has been cut. The liner helps to direct the water (seeping in through the walls) to the WaterGuard drain. The WaterGuard Drain is what really helps out this basement. It is a perimeter drain that collects the water from the basement walls. It then drains the water to the sump pump.

Seneca, SC Crawlspace Receives EverLast Door That Outlasts the Alternative

Your crawlspace is not fully protected, if it has a wooden door. It’s true. They’re cheap and common, but won’t deter most weathering and rot from stripping it away. That is what this Seneca, South Carolina homeowner discovered once we came out to see them.

Their old door, pictured in the ‘before’ photo, was quickly deteriorating. It was wood and so it was beginning to warp and rot. It wasn’t secure. The alternative—our solution—would do none of that.

Once we were through, the difference was noticeable. Our EverLast crawlspace doors are 1/2 inch thick solid plastic, so it will never rot or need paint. Plus, the EverLast door has a heavy weatherseal strip to seal off outside air. It’s the perfect solution.

Seneca, SC Bathroom Needs WaterGuard

Different areas of your home can be afflicted with water issues. Bedrooms, basements, and bathrooms are not exempt from this rule. There are a variety of factors that affect the way water enters your home. Ultimately, these factors do not mean as much to the average homeowner as much as a solution matters.

Take this cute Seneca, South Carolina bathroom as an example. The owners had noticed extra water running along its walls and floors for quite some time. They assumed the water was coming from the shower. However, soon they realized that wasn’t the case. The water was coming from the walls, and the moisture from the shower was making the issue worse.

In our “after” photo, we’ve gone in and fixed the problem. In this photo, you’ll find the bathroom transformed. Everything was removed. Of course, against the back wall is where we’ve installed WaterGuard. The idea behind this system is to catch the water as it comes through the walls. It is then directed out of the space and into a sump pump which pumps it out of the home.

Once everything has been reinstalled, the bathroom will be returned to its former glory.