Before & After Photos

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CleanSpace job done in East Flat Rock, NC

Our All-Dry crew was able to install a series of our waterproofing technology that would take care of the water issue in the crawlspace. Our crew installed a CleanSpace liner, sump pump, and dehumidifier. When encapsulating the crawlspace with CleanSpace, it seals the area to keep moisture from creeping up from the ground and causing damage to your foundation.   A dehumidifier was placed in the crawlspace as a solution to the humidity that is produced from the pipes under your house. A SumpPump is to flush out entering water and excess water from the dehumidifier from the crawlspace. Together with all these tools, the crawlspace is completely protected from moisture. They then installed a Everlast door and access well which are pictured below.

Cullowhee, NC Crawlspace in Need of Moisture Control Gets CleanSpace Encapsulation

Sometimes a homeowner may not have a huge issue with water intrusion or high moisture levels, but still, want to have a crawlspace encapsulated. These installations and the recommendations for installations like this are usually a little different, but are still something that we do! There are several different reasons why someone may decide to do this like the prevention of potential future issues or an increased storage area.

This particular homeowner was in a similar situation, as they weren't having a much of an issue with moisture. However, they were still interested in having some work done in case the problem got any worse. The first photo isn't actually a before photo but more of a "during" photo. The CleanSpace, which are the rolls of blue that are spaced out through the crawlspace, is just about to be laid out over the floor.

The second photo shows a much different story and a huge transformation between the two pictures. In this photo, the CleanSpace has already been rolled out and sealed to the walls of the crawlspace. CleanSpace helps to completely transform a crawlspace into a usable and safe area for the homeowner. This homeowner does have to worry about any moisture getting into the crawlspace and now has a huge area for extra storage!

Crawlspace done in Tuckasegee, NC

Crawlspace encapsulation done in Tuckasegee, NC to keep the moisture and dampness out to prevent mold and other problems. 

Brevard, NC Crawlspace in Need of New Entrance Gets EverLast Door Installed

There are many different ways for moisture and water to get into a crawlspace. Most often we see the majority of moisture coming through the ground and walls of the crawlspace. However, there are many other places that moisture can get into the crawlspace, through small cracks, where pipes exit the crawlspace and a number of other places. One place that many people may not realize a lot of moisture can get in is the entrance to the crawlspace, which is usually a wood door with some kind of latch.

Unfortunately, this homeowner didn't have a great door to seal up the entrance to their crawlspace. Something is always better than nothing, but just because a door is covering up an area does not mean that moisture can't get into the crawlspace. Fortunately, our System Design Specialist knew how serious of an issue that could be and suggested that during our installation, that we also include an EverLast door to replace the old one!

The new door was a welcome addition to the crawlspace of this home. The EverLast door ensures an airtight seal around the entrance to the crawlspace. This is important because it is just another way to better seal off the crawlspace and keep as much moisture out as possible. It is also made out of inorganic material which means that mold won't be able to grow on it and the homeowner won't have to worry about it rotting away. 

CleanSpace Becomes a Barrier in Brevard, NC Crawlspace

Crawlspaces shouldn’t have dirt floors. There, I said it. They shouldn’t have dirt floors, and yet thousands of them do. Millions of them have dirt floors and there’s nothing we can do to stop this phenomenon short of outlawing it. Until it is outlawed, we will continue to suggest putting down a durable, thick barrier to protect your home.

What are the dangers a dirt floor presents? Besides allowing water vapor to fill the air and gases to scoot through the house, it can raise your electric bill exponentially.  Honestly, what’s worse than an electric bill you were not prepared for?

What our CleanSpace liner does is become the last liner of defense from the earth. Our liner is expertly sealed and flawless. Unlike many other liners, it’s 20 mills thick and reinforced with polyester cords. This makes it durable and nearly impossible to rip accidentally. CleanSpace is the perfect solution for a bad situation. Take a look at this Brevard, North Carolina crawlspace. Notice what it was and what it has become.

See the difference?