Before & After Photos

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Foundation Repair in Oak Ridge, TN

See how we stabilized this home's foundation and ensured that the basement stays dry by installing a WaterGuard® system with a SuperSump®. 

SmartJacks Installed in Historic Log Cabin in Townsend, TN

In this historic log cabin, years of settling had caused significant sagging in the crawl space. The log joists were bowing under the weight, and the original rock and concrete foundation walls were bearing too much pressure. An attempt to stabilize the area with a jack from another company had failed--it wasnt lifting correctly, leaving the floor uneven and the foundation under strain. 


With our SmartJacks system expertly installed, the sagging floor has been lifted and properly stabilized. The new system effectively supports the log joists, taking the pressure off the foundation walls and restoring structural integrity. Now, this cabin stands on a much stronger foundation, ensuring long-term stability and peace of mind for the homeowner.



Foundation Repair Near Breaks, VA

A home near Breaks, VA was over 100 years old and had cracks in its foundation. The owner was impatient to sell, but the last contract fell through after the cracks were discovered during an inspection. Our team provided the perfect solution: our helical pier system, which features giant screws that are anchored to surrounding soil. This prevents further break down and damage! 

Reinforcing a Wall in Vansant, VA

We dispatched our team to evaluate a basement wall exhibiting visible cracks and requiring additional reinforcement at a residential property in Vansant, VA. Our specialists utilized the Carbon Fiber Wall Armor system to rectify the problem. The carbon fiber straps, while equally strong as steel, eliminate the need for drilling or heavy equipment during installation. Furthermore, once the repair work is complete, it can be concealed seamlessly.

Repairing a Wall Near Jewell Ridge, VA

Master Services inspected a damaged basement wall at a home near Jewell Ridge, VA. We recommended our Carbon Fiber Reinforcement system, which involves soaking carbon fiber straps in epoxy, then pressing them against the wall. Once the epoxy cures, the straps provide stabilization and support to the wall.