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Pool Deck Restored in Southaven, MS
Check out this pool deck repair we completed for Jackie F. of Southaven, MS. Jackie and family utilize their pool area A LOT. It overlooks a big lake where they love to fish. They just replaced the liner recently and do not want the pool to be damaged by the failing concrete. They also do not want any trip hazards. Jackie had several people look at the concrete around her pool, but none of them were willing to work on it. Luckily, she called Redeemers Group.
If you need help with your concrete, call or click today for a free, no-obligation inspection.
Concrete Trip Hazard in Southaven, MS
A dangerous trip hazard at a church in Southaven, MS, needed immediate attention after a visitor stumbled over an uneven sidewalk. Eric W. reached out for a quick and effective solution to ensure the safety of congregants and visitors. Upon inspection, two primary trip hazards were identified at the main building entries on both the East and West sides. The uneven pavement posed a significant risk, making it crucial to level the affected areas and create a smooth, uniform walking surface.
To resolve the issue, we proposed using PolyLevel™, a high-quality polyurethane lifting technique to eliminate the hazardous dips and rises in the sidewalks. This method would effectively raise and stabilize the concrete, restoring an even surface without the need for costly demolition and replacement. Additionally, a comprehensive three-part CPS (Concrete Protection System) was recommended for the front entry to ensure uniformity, while a full two-part CPS treatment would be applied to both sidewalks. The project plan was carefully outlined with detailed drawings, clearly marking where the CPS treatment would begin and end, ensuring a seamless finish.
By addressing these trip hazards with expert precision, we provided a lasting solution that enhances both safety and aesthetics. Uneven concrete can pose serious risks, but proactive repairs prevent accidents and extend the life of your walkways. If your property has dangerous trip hazards or deteriorating concrete, don’t wait until an accident happens—contact us today for a reliable and cost-effective repair solution!
Unsafe Sidewalk in Horn Lake, MS
This walkway in Horn Lake, MS was unattractive. It was also a trip hazard that worried the homeowner.
With our PolyLevelTM system, the walkway was stabilized and leveled making it safe. Also, all joints were filled with NexusProTM to prevent further damage. Thanks to Redeemers Group, the walkway is attractive and safe.
Concrete Porch Repair in Horn Lake, MS
Check out this concrete repair job we did for Wen H. of Horn Lake, MS. His porch was sinking and he needed help fast. We used our PolyLevelTM Concrete Injection System to lift the porch back into place. We also sealed all cracks with our NexusPro Crack Sealant.
If you need help with your concrete, foundation, crawl space, or basement; call or click today for a free, no-obligation inspection.
Concrete Porch Lifted, Leveled, and Protected in Horn Lake, MS
Wen H. of Horn Lake, MS just bought a house with plans to fix it up and move in. He noticed that his front porch was uneven. Upon inspection, it was discovered that improper gutter and downspout drainage was causing soil erosion. This had caused his porch to begin to settle into the voids left by the erosion. We design a permanent solution that involved new downspout extensions to divert rainwater away from the foundation. We also used our PolyLevel™ concrete injection system to lift and level the porch back into its original position, and fill the voids left under the porch.
If you need help with your sinking concrete, call or click today for a free, no-obligation Inspection.