Before & After Photos

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Basement Waterproofing in Wallingford, Vermont, by Matt Clark's Northern Basement Systems.

When a homeowner in Wallingford, Vermont, wanted to waterproof their basement, they hired Matt Clark's Northern Basement Systems.

Basement Waterproofing in West Rutland, Vermont, by Matt Clark's Northern Basement Systems.

When a homeowner in West Rutland, Vermont, wanted to make their wet basement dry all of the time, they hired Matt Clark's Northern Basement Systems.

Basement Waterproofing in Westport, New York, by Matt Clark's Northern Basement Systems.

When a Westport, New York, resident wanted to waterproof their basement, they hired Matt Clark's Northern Basement Systems.

Basement Waterproofing in Londonderry, Vermont.

When a family in Londonderry, Vermont, needed professional help turning there wet, unuseable basement into a clean, dry space, they contacted the basement waterproofing experts at Matt Clark's Northern Basement Systems.  After a thorough inspection, Northern Basement Systems designed and installed a Custom Waterproofing System, using only the top patent waterproofing products.  The homeowners now enjoy a clean, dry basement they always dreamed of.

Responsible Basement Waterproofing in Schuyler Falls, New York, by Matt Clark's Northern Basement Systems.

To put an end to shop vacuuming their basement every time it rained a homeowner in Schuyler Falls, New York, hired Matt Clark's Northern Basement Systems.