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Basement windows are a big problem for many homes in DE and MD
Even if you have a brand new house the basement windows can leak. The problem is that most home builders will install a basement window the same way as a window upstairs. The windows on the side of your home probably don't leak, and that's because gravity and the siding will guide the rain to the ground. Basement windows don't have room under them to let the rain water escape. Older homes will have a much worse problem because of the old single pane glass and rusty metal frames. The dark lines are evidence of a major leak. DryZone installs custom-made basement windows that are sealed and look amazing in Delaware and Maryland homes. They have thick glass and are double paned to make them more energy efficient.
Sump pump upgrade in a wet basement
Sump pumps in the basement are necessary to get the water out. DryZone uses a sealed system to keep the water from evaporating into the air. This helps to keep the humidity down and the smelly basement syndrome at bay. Another big part of drying out a basement is a perimeter drainage system which is the grey baseboard thing in this picture. This particular system is an above ground drainage system known as DryTrak.
Upgrading the basement sump pump
Many homes across Delmarva have an old pit and a sump pump in the basement. Sometimes it's even just a plastic bucket with several holes drilled in it. DryZone knows that sump pumps are more than just an open hole and a cheap pump. We use high quality Zoeller pumps and the container is sealed at the top. No humidity will come up out of the lid. The lid also keeps the entire unit quiet, most homeowners can't even tell when it's working.
Basement drainage system, concrete blocks completely filled with ground water
One of the things that the DryZone crew does during a WaterGuard installation is drill weep holes in the concrete blocks. All along the bottom of a block wall the ground water sits in the hollow blocks and slowly seeps out. This is a big reason why basements leak. The WaterGuard system is designed to relieve pressure and keep the water flowing in the pipes rather than all over the basement floor. In addition, there are clean out ports at various spots in the system. These ports allow you to see the inside of the pipe and clean it out if the need arises.
Moldy Basement with Wet Walls
This moldy basement, needs a water vapor barrier and floor drainage system to go behind the walls. CleanSpace isn't only used in the crawlspaces we fix, sometimes if it's necessary we use it on the basement walls. These walls were leaking so bad we had to put up cleanspace to make sure the water goes into the floor drain and then into the sump pump.