Before & After Photos

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Repairing a Cracked and Leaking Foundation in Wentzville, MO

A basement foundation was cracking in Wentzville, MO, and the cracks were beginning to leak water. To solve this issue, the PowerBrace System was first installed. These I-beams work by stabilizing the walls in the basement by custom fitting to the wall. They are tightened to the wall through anchors on the basement floor and floor joists. This joist reinforcement method evenly distributes the load and effectively straightens the wall over time.  It is also a great non-invasive option since there is no drilling or digging on the property.  Next, the Cleanspace Basement Wall System was installed. This will prevent water vapor from permeating the basement walls and drain any leaks to the WaterGuard System. This perimeter drainage system will catch wall seepage and drain it toward the sump pump to then be pumped out of the house. Thanks to these systems, this basement will remain stable and dry all the time!


Failing Basement Support Replaced in Wentzville, MO

Support posts were failing in a Wentzville, MO basement, causing the floors above to shift. To solve this issue, the SmartJack System was installed. These steel support systems can permanently stabilize and level the floor joists and girders in the basement.  They are unaffected by moisture, as they will not rust, weaken, or be affected by mold. These will lift the floors above back toward their original position, reduce floor “bounce” caused by excessive joist spans, and solve the problem once and for all!

Stabilizing A Basement In Wentzville, MO

A finished basement in Wentzville, Missouri, needed some stabilizing as the supports were starting to become weak. Woods came in and installed the PowerBrace System. The PowerBrace System consists of zinc-plated steel beams custom fit to the basement height. They are secured to the wall and floor and are anchored to the support beams that hold up the floor. This system can be tightened over time, allowing for adjustments to prevent wall failure. With this installation in place, this basement is sure to stay stable and safe for many years to come.

Stabilizing a Basement Wall in Wentzville, MO

A foundation was cracking and becoming unstable in Wentzville, MO, causing concern to the homeowners. To solve this issue, the GeoLock Wall System was installed. These are galvanized steel earth anchors embedded into the soil out and away from the foundation wall. Once installed, these will hold the walls in their current position and can be tightened to allow for improvement and straightening of the wall over time. These can be installed around obstacles on the wall such as pipes, sinks, or furniture. This is the best solution to straighten the wall over time, as it can fix severe problems and stabilize the foundation for good!


Cracking Gray Summit, MO Concrete-Block Walls Supported With GeoLock

This Gray Summit, Missouri home's concrete-block basement walls were badly cracked and slightly bowing in places. The homeowner was quite concerned about this and worried that letting the cracks go unaddressed for much longer might lead to a total wall collapse. With this in mind, Woods Basement Systems was called in. A team installed several GeoLock wall anchors, supports that function by attaching anchors buried deep in the firm soil far from the home to steel plates on the interior surface of the foundation walls, throughout the space. These anchors effectively pull the walls outward over time and totally prevent further movement and cracking.