Before & After Photos

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Waterproofing Leaking Basement in Saint Louis, MO

A basement in Saint Louis, MO, was leaking and needed to be addressed. The homeowner decided to give Woods a call. To solve this issue, WaterGuard™ was used to collect the water that entered the basement. This system sits on top of the soil to prevent any clogging from occurring. With this system in place, the homeowner can rest rest easy knowing their basement will remain dry for years to come! 

Leveling Sinking Concrete in Saint Louis, MO

A sidewalk in Saint Louis, MO, was unleveled and had large gaps in between the concrete slabs. This needed to be addressed, so the homeowner decided to give Woods a call. To solve this issue, PolyLevel™ was used. This system works by drilling pea-sized holes into the concrete and injecting a polyurethane foam underneath. The foam then expands, lifting and leveling the concrete. Next, NexusPro™ was used to fill in the gaps. This flexible sealant with withstand any harsh weather the homeowner may receive. With these systems in place, the homeowner can rest easy knowing their concrete is in great shape. 

Leaking Basement Waterproofed in Saint Louis, MO

A basement in Saint Louis, MO was leaking during heavy rain and needed to be addressed. The homeowner decided to give Woods a call. To solve this issue, WaterGuard™ was installed to collect the water that entered the basement. This system sits horizontally on top of the soil to prevent clogging from occurring. Next, a sump pump was used to discharge the water out of the basement. The battery back-up generator will make sure the sump pump keeps working, even during a power outage. With these systems in place, the homeowner can rest easy knowing their basement will remain dry for years to come!

Leaky Basement Waterproofed in Saint Louis, MO

A basement in Saint Louis, MO, was leaking during heavy rain and needed to be addressed. This was causing distress to the homeowner, so they decided to give Woods a call. To solve this issue, WaterGuard™ was used to collect the water that entered the basement. This system won't get clogged due to its horizontal design. Next, a sump pump was installed to discharge the water out of the basement. With these systems in place, the homeowner can rest easy knowing their basement will remain dry. 

Push Piers & WaterGuard in Saint Louis, MO

The foundation of this St. Louis home had moved from its original location. Owners Dan and Carol called Woods Basement Systems to see what was going on and how to get this situation corrected. After sitting down with one of our system design specialist, they found that their old piers had been oxidised and needed to be replaced.  There were also signs of water coming in over there footing and the owners wanted this corrected before it got worse. Therefore, Waterguard as well as new Push Piers were installed and now the house is saved. In addition to saving the home, the property values increased too.