Before & After Photos

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Foundation Crack Repair in Indianapolis, IN

A homeowner in Indianapolis, Indiana noticed stair-stepping cracks on the exterior of his foundation below a window.  Our Foreman Emilio and his crew members Dennis and Miguel installed 5 Helical Piers to permanently stabilize the foundation of the home and repair the cracks.  

Retaining Wall Rebuild in Indianapolis, IN

A homeowner in Indianapolis, Indiana was concerned about the retaining wall supporting an in ground pool in her backyard.  Our Foreman Emilio and his crew members Denis, Marcos, and Edwin replaced the existing concrete retaining wall with a more stable block retaining wall. 

Foundation Settlement Repair in Greenwood, IN

A homeowner in Greenwood, Indiana began noticing some cracks on the exterior of his home's foundation that were caused by the soil settling.  Our Foreman John and his crew members Chris and Jon-Wesley installed a total of 11 Helical Piers to lift and stabilize the foundation of the home. 

Sagging Floor Repair in Greenwood, IN

A homeowner in Greenwood, Indiana began noticing low spots in his floors caused by poor support in her crawl space.  Our Certified Inspector Grant determined that a steel beam and jacks would need to be installed to help relevel the floors.  Our Foreman Joe and his crew members Erick and Mario installed a total of 3 SmartJack support posts.  

Crawl Space Repair in Greenwood, IN

A homeowner in Greenwood, Indiana noticed that the floors in his home were bouncy and uneven in a few different areas.  Our Certified Inspector Grant provided a thorough inspection of the crawl space to see what the cause of the uneven floors was.  He recommended having the floor supported with our SmartJack support posts and a steel main beam replacement that was installed by our Foreman Sai and his crew members Nelson and Juan.