Before & After Photos

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Lifting Concrete Around a Battle Creek Home

Tom had some sunken concrete around his Battle Creek home. The unleveled concrete was causing issues including Tom rolling an ankle due of the unevenness. He was worried it could happen again or that it may happen to his kids so he wanted it fixed as soon as possible. We used PolyLevel to lift and level the concrete to get rid of any safety hazards. PolyLevel is a light weight foam that is very strong and waterproof so it won't get washed away. It is injected under the sunken concrete to list it back up to the original level.  The best past is it only takes about 1 minutes to cure, so they the process is not inconveniencing the homeowner.

Concrete Repair Keeps Water Out of Battle Creek, MI Home

The concrete in Gilbert's garage had recently started to settle and crack, letting water into the home. He called Ayers for an inspection and our crew determined Gilbert would need PolyLevel and NexusPro for the repairs. 

The PolyLevel system is used to repair sinking concrete by drilling minuscule holes into the slab and filling them with foam. The foam raises the slab and fortifies it to make it last even longer. NexusPro is a sealant that fills the cracks in the concrete. It is extremely withstanding to harsh weather, so it will remain flexible for years. 

Gilbert was impressed with the work done by Ayers and was ecstatic to be able to get the issue taken care of in a timely manner. 

Shotcrete Fills Voids in Battle Creek, MI, Basement Walls

Nancy noticed her stone basement walls had large, deep cracks in them. The cracks allowed moisture entry, and she couldn't tolerate it anymore, so she called Ayers for help. We sent a team of professionals to her home to examine the space and see what we could do. They suggested Shotcrete, a solution that applies a concrete or mortar wet spray through a high-pressure hose to fill a form or repair damaged surfaces. Nancy loves her new walls!

Concrete Repair in Battle Creek, MI

A customer needed help leveling out the concrete slabs in her driveway so she called our team for help. We installed PolyLevel, a waterproof and long-lasting system designed to fix concrete slabs that have sunk. It uses a polyurethane foam that expands and has a high density in order to lift the concrete slabs back to their original level. The process is quite simple and is done by drilling small holes into the concrete and then inserting the foam into the holes.

Leveling Concrete in Culver, MI

Sandi needed help leveling the concrete around her pool so she called our team and we installed PolyLevel. PolyLevel is a system designed to fix concrete slabs that have sunk by using a new product to lift the concrete slabs back to their original level. The new product used is a polyurethane foam that expands and has a high density in order to raise the concrete. The process is quite simple and is done by drilling small holes into the concrete and then inserting the foam into the holes. Also, the PolyLevel system is waterproof and long-lasting.