Before & After Photos

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Fixing a Sunken Walkway in Delhi charter Township MI

This homeowner has a walkway to the front door that has sunk and is uneven now. They were worried that it would get worse or cause a tripping hazzard so they called us. We used Polylevel to lift the concerete slabs back to the original position. PolyLevel is a strong, light weight foam that is injected under sunken concrete slabs to lift it back up. The foam is is waterproof so it will not wash away and it is stable so it wont react with soil or moisture. It installs quickly with a curing time of abotu 15 minutes, won't disrupt other slabs, and not invasive to your space.

Using PolyLevel to Save a Sinking Walkway

This customer has some concrete slabs in his walkway that were uneven and his stairs were separating from the walkway. He wanted this to be fixed so that water wouldnt get under the stairs and so no one would trip. We installed PolyLevel to fix the sunken concrete. PolyLevel is a strong but light weight foam that is used to raise driveways, sidewalks, and walkways. It is waterproof and stable so it won't wash away or react with the soil. PolyLevel also has a quick curing time so it doesn't cause any inconvenience to you or your space.

Walkway Leveling on Holt, MI Home

Craig's front walkway was uneven and cracking, causing a major safety hazard. After last summer, it only got worse. Craig called Ayers for an inspection and we determined that his home was the perfect candidate for PolyLevel 

PolyLevel is a system used to repair sinking concrete by drilling minuscule holes into the slab and filling them with foam. The foam raises the slab and fortifies it to make it last even longer. Craig was grateful that we could take care of this problem that has been bugging him for a while. 

Using PolyLevel to Even out a Walkway in Delhi Charter Township, MI

Jason and Kristin had concrete on their front walkway that had sunk making the path very uneven. The bottom step has also settled and dropped making the stairs uneven. They wanted all the concrete to be level so no water could get underneath and make it worse. We used PolyLevel to raise the concrete back to the original level. PolyLevel is a strong but light weight foam that is injected underneath the concrete slabs. This foam is waterproof so it wont wash away and it cures in only 15 minutes so the homeowners don't have to worry about not being on it for an extended period of time!

PolyLevel Raises Holt, MI Driveway to Protect New Driver

A Holt, MI resident and his wife bought their home in 2007 and plan on staying in it forever. They have a new driver in the home and there's about a three to four inch drop leading into the driveway, making it unsafe. The couple called Ayers for an inspection and our crew determined they would need PolyLevel and NexusPro to correct the driveway. 

The PolyLevel system is used to repair sinking concrete by drilling minuscule holes into the slab and filling them with foam. The foam raises the slab and fortifies it to make it last even longer. NexusPro is a sealant that fills the cracks in the concrete. It is extremely withstanding to harsh weather so it will remain intact for years.  

The couple loved the work Ayers did to their driveway. Not only does it look much better, it is completely safe for their new driver!