Before & After Photos

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Sidewalk in Haslett, MI Becomes Level Again

Darlene and her daughter, Carol, recently moved into a new home in Haslett, MI. After purchasing the house, they noticed some concrete areas dipped, and some ledges looked like tripping hazards. They called Ayers because they were concerned about the tripping hazards, especially Darlene's risk of falling. Carol was worried that she might be away at work for the day and her mom could trip without anyone there to help her. Instead of waiting for an accident, Carol turned to Ayers to provide a permanent solution to lift and level their concrete sidewalks so they wouldn't have to worry about it again. After using Ayers' PolyLevel and NexusPro technology, we could lift and level their concrete and seal the joints to withstand harsh weather conditions. Darlene and Carol can now fully enjoy their new home and feel safe walking on the sidewalk without worrying about falling.

Sagging Floors in South Bend, IN Lifted with SmartJacks®

Donald’s home is now stable and secure with the SmartJack® system lifting and leveling his floors. This upgrade eliminates gaps, restores structural integrity, and ensures lasting support. With expert installation and a seamless finish, Donald can enjoy peace of mind knowing his home is safe for years to come.

Fixing Uneven Walkway in Morrice, MI with PolyLevel

Olivia knew her walkway was uneven, but it wasn't until she tripped on her way out that she realized it was a problem. She researched her options online and decided to call Ayers for assistance. We sent a crew of experts to her home, and they recommended the installation of PolyLevel. The process starts by drilling a minimum number of pea-sized holes in the concrete slab and injecting polymer foam underneath it. The foam expands to raise the affected slab to the desired level. Olivia loves having an even walkway in the morning!


PolyLevel Bridges the Gap Between a Driveway & Garage in Lansing, MI

Our friends from Lansing, MI, Dave & Lorie were highly satisfied with prior work we completed at their home. So, when they noticed their driveway sinking away from the garage, they knew right away who they wanted to call, us! We used our unique product offering Poly Level to return Dave & Lorie’s cement to its original position. PolyLevel raises concrete through unique qualities of expanding polyurethane foam, making it: environmentally safe, affordable, waterproof to prevent future erosion, quick and mess free, and a permanent solution! Poly Level not only results in a solution that looks better and lasts longer, it is also less destructive to the applied surface. Thanks Dave & Lorie for another opportunity to beautify your home!

Lansing Church Gets Leveled and Sealed Concrete Entryway

This church's enteryway was cracked and sunken. Water was also getting inside due to water not being moved away from the door since the cocnrete was unlevel. We used PolyLevel to lift the falling concrete and NexusPro to seal creacks and joints. Both have a short curing time so they won't be inconveneint- PolyLevel is ready in 15 minutes while NexusPro takes about an hour.