Before & After Photos

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RockWell Window Well Contractor in Saint Paul, MN

Greg J. of Saint Paul, MN was looking for a quote for a window well replacement with a cover. He got in contact with American Waterworks and scheduled a FREE estimate to inspect his space and determine a solution. Our Design Specialist, Chad, went to Greg's house and provided him with a well-detailed quote going over our RockWell Window Well and its cover. Greg was confident in the solution, so he went ahead with the project. 

Our Foreman, Tremaine, and his crew dug out the surrounding soil around the pre-existing window well and replaced it with our RockWell Window Well. Once that was completed, our crew backfilled the soil and compacted it, ensuring the space was neater and cleaner than when they found it. Greg was happy with the project and had a wonderful experience from start to finish!

We provide FREE estimates and inspections for all of our products and services. Give us a call or click here to request yours today.

WaterGuard Installation in St. Paul, MN

A customer from St. Paul, MN, contacted us because of water coming in from the foundation. Our Design Specialist went out to the property and recommended the customer invest in our WaterGuard system. This particular system is typically used in basements and is the premier choice for basement waterproofing as it is installed below the floor, but rests atop the foundation, keeping it out of the "mud zone", making it harder to clog. 

Our Foreman, Jose, installed the WaterGuard system and now the homeowners can resume basement activities without worrying about water damage dampening the fun!

Basement Walls Gets Waterproofed in Maplewood, MN

A customer from Maplewood, MN, got in contact with us when he began to notice unwanted water on the floor of his basement. He was afraid that if he didn't take action and correct the issue, it would continue to damage his property, making any potential resale tough in the future. When he called in, our Appointment Center set him up with our FREE no-obligation estimate. Once the appointment was scheduled, our Design Specialist headed out to the property to do a thorough inspection of the issue. When he completed his walkthrough, he was able to make recommendations as to how we could best help the situation. He began by explaining to the homeowner that the water was intruding through a crack in the wall. He wanted to address the issue by installing our WaterGuard french drainage system. He wanted to pair this product with our CleanSpace vapor barrier. He explained that the CleanSpace vapor barrier is a tarp-like material that works to trap any water entering the property behind it, draining it down the plastic and into the WaterGuard drainage system that lies beneath the floor, catching the water driven downwards by the CleanSpace. The customer agreed and work began shortly after. 

Our Foreman, Lane, and his crew ended up installing a foot of WaterGuard and CleanSpace under and on top of the problem wall. When the work was completed our customer was happy to know he could go back to enjoying his basement, completely moisture free! 

Basement Waterproofed in Saint Paul, MN

Allison H. in Saint Paul, MN had water leaking into her basement through a crack in the foundation. She requested an estimate from American Waterworks through HomeAdvisor, and we sent our Design Specialist, Jeremy Radtke, to her home to provide a FREE estimate. Jeremy recommended that Allison have our waterproofing system installed to keep her basement dry and comfortable. 

Our Foreman, Arturo Mares, and his production crew began the project by removing the concrete around the perimeter of the basement and laying our WaterGuard drainage system. Next, they installed our SuperSump sump pump in the corner and our CleanSpace vapor barrier along the walls to further protect the space from moisture and mold. Lastly, the crew filled back the gaps with rock and replaced the concrete. Allison’s peace of mind has been restored, and she is happy she can enjoy a dry, healthy basement!

Water Leakage in West Saint Paul, MN Basement

Mardele W. in West Saint Paul, MN was suffering from water leaking into her basement and she was tired of cleaning up the mess every time there was a heavy rain. She decided to contact American Waterworks for a FREE estimate, so one of our Design Specialists, Jeremy Radtke, went to her home to inspect her basement and design a solution. Jeremy worked closely with Mardele to create the best waterproofing plan for her and her basement. She enjoyed working with Jeremy and was pleased with his proposal, so she scheduled to have our waterproofing system installed.

Our Foreman, Austin Lucas, and his crew installed a full perimeter of our WaterGuard drainage system around her basement floor. They also installed a SuperSump sump pump in the corner of the basement. The drainage system now properly guides water to the sump pump, and from there the sump pump pushes the water through the discharge line and expels it from the home. Our drainage system is backed by a lifetime guarantee, so Mardele has peace of mind that her basement will always be protected from water. She is glad she chose to protect her home for the long-term.

Do you have water leaking into her basement? Click here to receive a free estimate!