Before & After Photos

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TripleSafe Sump Pump Installed in Saint Paul, MN

Charlotte H. in Saint Paul, MN already had a sump pump, but it was no longer working properly, and she was concerned about the damage the water seeping into her basement was causing. She contacted American Waterworks, and we sent our Design Specialist, Ryan Powell, to her home to evaluate the situation. 

Our Foreman, Hugo Sanchez, installed our recommended TripleSafe sump pump and our SaniDry dehumidifier. The TripleSafe is equipped with three levels of protection; a main pump, backup pump, and a backup battery to ensure the basement stays dry all the time. Charlotte now has peace of mind knowing her basement is protected. 


Waterproofing in St.Paul, MN

A homeowner in St. Paul, MN,  was inspecting their basement after a heavy rainfall. During this inspection, the homeowner came across several wet spots throughout the basement floor. Unsure of the cause, the homeowner wanted to find answers. The homeowner began looking into waterproofing companies around St. Paul. During their hunt, the homeowner came across our company. After seeing we were a family-owned business, the homeowner knew we were the company to trust. The homeowner signed up for their FREE estimate and they awaited the arrival of Nick, one of our Design Specialists. Nick traveled to the home and began his detailed inspection of the home. Once he completed the estimate, he recommended fully waterproofing the basement. Knowing this was their best option, the homeowner agreed. Once they were approved by our office, they were sent to our crew. Our Foreman, Jose, and his crew were assigned to complete the project. First, the crew began by installing the WaterGuard around the perimeter of the basement. The WaterGuard is a perimeter drain system that is specifically engineered to fix basement water problems efficiently. Once the WaterGuard was installed, the crew shifted their focus to installing the TripleSafe sump pump. The TripleSafe Sump Pump is the most reliable water pumping system in the world. Next, the crew dug a buried discharge line outside the home. After all the waterproofing products were installed, the crew cleaned up their materials and left the home. The homeowner was in awe of the excellent work completed by the crew. American Waterworks is happy to provide its customers peace of mind. 

Water Seeping into Saint Paul, MN Basement

Douglas P. in Saint Paul, MN had a crack in his foundation where water was leaking in. Any time he experienced a heavy rain, water would start to pool in his basement with no where to go. He started looking for a waterproofing company, and he found American Waterworks on Home Advisor. He got in touch with us to receive a FREE estimate, so we sent one of our Design Specialists, Chad Johnson, to his home to inspect his basement and design a solution. While Chad was there, he noticed that the support beams in his basement had started to sag, which was causing the cracks in the foundation. Chad recommended that we install SmartJacks as well as our waterproofing system to ensure that his basement would permanently be a dry space. Douglas agreed, and he liked the proposal that Chad presented, so he decided to move forward with the installation.

Our production team installed the SmartJacks first to hold up the beams and provide permanent support. Then, they removed the concrete around the perimeter of the basement and installed the WaterGuard drainage system and SuperSump sump pump. Lastly, they installed the CleanSpace vapor barrier to keep mold and moisture out of the basement. Water is now guided through the drainage system and led to the sump pump, where it is then discharged from the home. The combination of these foundation repair and waterproofing products have created a dry, clean, and stable basement for Douglas. Both our waterproofing and foundation repair products are backed by warranties, so Douglas can rest easy knowing he chose a reliable, long-term solution.

Are you experiencing a water in your basement? We can help! Click here to receive a FREE estimate!

SuperSump Plus Installed in Eagan, MN

A homeowner in Eagan, MN was alarmed to find water damage in her basement space. She wanted to find a solution for it sooner than later, to prevent any more problems from happening. One of her neighbors had also dealt with water-related issues and American Waterworks was the company that helped them out. She decided to contact them as well for a FREE no-obligation estimate to see what they could do for her own situation. We sent over Design Specialist Adam Voigt to inspect the area, see what the root of the water damage was, and present recommendations. Adam informed the homeowner that the main issue was the current sump pump was not able to keep up with the amount of water that was entering through the foundation and would continue if left unattended to. He suggested to her that a SuperSump Plus pump system would be able to keep up with pumping the water that was entering. Our Foreman, Chris Newton, and his crew arrived at the site to carry out the installation of the SuperSump Plus system and a discharge line to carry the water from the inside pump to outside of the home. The homeowner was relieved to have a water-free basement again and grateful for our services.


Does this sound like something you're dealing with? Contact American Waterworks and we'll help you out, starting with a FREE estimate appointment!

Crawl Space Encapsulated in Saint Paul, MN

Ben W. in Saint Paul, MN had a dirt crawl space. He was interested in having a vapor barrier installed to save costs on his energy, because he knew that he was losing heat through that space. He contacted American Waterworks to receive a FREE estimate. One of our Design Specialists, Dylan Woitas, went onsite to inspect his crawl space and propose a solution. Ben approved of the plan and moved forward with the installation date. 

Our Foreman, Juan Pena, and his production team installed our CleanSpace vapor barrier and our spray foam rim joist insulation. The combination of these crawl space encapsulation products made Ben’s crawl space a dry, clean, and energy efficient space.

Do you have a dirt crawl space? Learn about the benefits of encapsulating your crawl space here!