Before & After Photos

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Foundation Wall Repair in Baldwin, WI

Rick and Shirley S. of Baldwin, WI had cracked and bowing foundation walls in their basement. They found an American Waterworks advertisement in the newspaper so they scheduled a FREE estimate. Our Design Specialist went to Rick and Shirley's house, carefully examined their foundation walls, and proposed our Wall Anchor System, which is our most versatile foundation repair system because it solves a variety of different problems. 

Our Foreman and his production team installed 16 of our anchors around the entire foundation wall perimeter. This anchor-rod installation is designed to stabilize cracked and bowing foundation walls while pulling the wall back to its natural position. Rick and Shirley were happy with the work and were grateful we were able to help them with their needs. 

Is your foundation cracking, bowing, failing, or deteriorating? We can help you! Get in contact with our team today.

Home in Baldwin, WI Supported and Protected

Adam from Baldwin, WI was experiencing some problems in his home. He was concerned about the foundation of her home due to water intrusion, so he contacted the Appointment Center here at American Waterworks to claim his FREE estimate. Once the appointment was set, our Design Special Darin attended to Adam's property. He began a thorough home inspection to properly diagnose the house and propose a proper solution that would help solve the issue and prevent other issues from arising.

First, Foreman Arturo and his crew installed our SmartJack system. Our SmartJack system is made to provide support for oversized or sagging beams, restoring stability and straightness. 

Our Foreman and the production team then installed three of our SmartJacks along the support beam of the home. Once the SmartJack was set, the team installed the WaterGuard system. This particular system is typically used in basements and is the premier choice for basement waterproofing as it is installed below the floor, but rests atop the foundation, keeping it out of the "mud zone", making it harder to clog. It works to trap water and sends it to an appropriate disposal site, our TripleSafe sump pump, an effective and economical sump solution.

They then proceeded to use CleanSpace to encapsulate the basement to prevent moisture and mold to affect the rest of the foundation. The team finished by cleaning everything up, and Adam was thrilled and impressed with the project from start to finish!

Are you in need of an inspection? Is there any damage to your home or are you experiencing any foundation issues? Contact American Waterworks today for your FREE estimate!


Cracked Foundation Walls in Twin Lakes, MN

Larry and Sandy S. in Twin Lakes, MN did some research on the American Waterworks website after they came across cracked foundation walls in their basement. They filled out our online FREE Estimate form, so we sent out our Design Specialist, Mac Cole, to inspect the walls and come up with a solution to support their home. Larry and Sandy were confident with Mac's proposal, so they went ahead with the project. 

Our Foreman, Jesus Covarrubias, and his production team began the installation by digging 13 holes outside of the home and inserting a long, medal rod in each hole from the exterior soil to the interior foundation. Next, our team screwed on and tightened a GeoLock Wall Anchor on the end of each rod to secure and straighten the wall into its natural position. Lastly, Jesus and his crew backfilled the holes and replaced the soil. Larry and Sandy were grateful we were able to restore the structual integrity and value of their home! 

SilverGlo and SentrySeal Protect Foundation in Geneva, MN

Danielle B. in Geneva, MN contacted American Waterworks as a returning customer after being satisfied with some of her previous projects with us. She was interested in our SentrySeal and SilverGlo products to help with some of the insulation and moisture issues around her foundation. 

Our Foreman, Hugo Sanchez, and his production crew started the installation by digging out the soil surrounding the home. Then, they were able to install our SentrySeal Waterproofing Membrane to the exterior foundation and our SilverGlo Insulation System to hold back moisture and ensure energy-efficient insulation. SilverGlo combines highly effective graphite-impregnated insulation with a built-in radiant heat barrier surface. This gives the foundation walls an unbroken plane of R-11 insulation. Danielle was impressed with the quick installation, and his happy she chose American Waterworks for her foundation wall repair needs! 

Failing Foundation Repaired with SmartJacks in Kenyon, MN

Lee C. in Kenyon, MN contacted American Waterworks because he noticed the beams in his basement were sagging, he had cracks in the drywall, sticking doors, and unlevel floors. All of these are symptoms of a failing foundation and only get worse over time. Lee met with one of our Design Specialists, Dylan Woitas, who recommended he have our structural support jacks and supplemental support beams installed to stop any further deterioration. 

Our Foreman, Austin Lucas, and his production crew got to work and installed 10 SmartJacks and supplemental beams throughout the basement to straighten and strengthen the sagging floors. Because of its design, the SmartJack can be adjusted over time to provide additional straightening and leveling action if necessary. Lee’s peace of mind has been restored, knowing he chose a permanent solution to restore the stability of his home. 

Looking to learn more about SmartJacks? Get a no cost, no obligation free estimate.