Before & After Photos

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GeoLock Anchor Installation in West Concord, MN

Rick from West Concord, MN got in contact with us when he began to notice that his basement wall was beginning to bow inward, showing signs of failing. He was afraid that if he left the issue unresolved, he would risk compromising the home's structural integrity. When he called in we set him up with a FREE estimate. Shortly after his appointment was scheduled, our Design Specialist, Mac, headed out to the property. Once he completed his walkthrough, he could make recommendations as to how we could help. Mac wanted to use our GeoLock Wall Anchors to correct the issue. He explained that this innovative system permanently stabilizes foundation walls by anchoring them to the hard-packed virgin soil beyond the foundation. He went on to say that the anchors can be tightened over time. Our customer agreed and work began shortly after. 

Our Foreman, Hugo, and his crew installed 7 of our GeoLock anchors throughout the basement. When the work was done Rick was happy to know that his basement walls were no longer an issue. 

Damaged Foundation and Wet Basement Restored in Claremont, MN

Desiree S. was suffering from a wet basement and a damaged foundation wall. The wall had multiple cracks, was bowing inward, and water was seeping through. She did her research and was glad to learn that American Waterworks has been the leading foundation repair contractor in the region for 30 years! She contacted us to receive a FREE estimate, so we sent a Design Specialist to her home to evaluate the situation and propose a permanent solution to fit her needs. 

We were able to restore Desiree’s basement by installing Geo-lock wall anchors along the damaged foundation, which immediately halted the deterioration and began to straighten the wall. Then our production crew installed a full perimeter of our WaterGuard drainage system and our recommended TripleSafe sump pump. These waterproofing products work together to keep her basement a dry and healthy space. Desiree is happy she made the investment to protect her home. 

Cracked Walls Stabilized in Albert Lea, MN

Alton in Albert Lea, MN had large cracks throughout his basement walls. He was concerned about the pressure that was being placed on his foundation and wanted to secure his walls before the damage became any worse. He contacted American Waterworks and we sent one of our Design Specialists, Pete Wangen, to his home to inspect his situation and provide him with a FREE estimate. Pete determined that we would be able to permanently repair his foundation by installing PowerBraces, which is a much more cost-effective solution compared to replacing the foundation. Alton was pleased with Pete’s solution, so they scheduled the installation.

Our Foreman, Hugo Sanchez, and his crew installed 7 PowerBraces against the walls. PowerBraces are strong steel I-beams that have a special rust-resistant zinc coating to ensure that your system will look and perform like new for years to come. By installing the PowerBraces, we immediately halted the inward movement of the foundation walls. The PowerBraces should be tightened over time, which can gradually straighten the walls. Alton was pleased with the end result and he is glad he chose to permanently restore his foundation.

Do you have cracked or bowing walls? Contact us here to receive a FREE estimate!

Deteriorating Wall Restored in Albert Lea, MN

Amanda S. of Albert Lea, MN had a deteriorating foundation wall in her basement, making her feel scared and nervous to live in her own home. She got in contact with American Waterworks to schedule a FREE Estimate with our Design Specialist, Ryan Powell. Ryan went to her home to inspect the wall and come up with a solution. Amanda got all of her questions answered and was comfortable with Ryan's proposal, so they went ahead with the project. 

Our Foreman, Matt Zeller, and his production team applied 26 feet of our ShotCrete Wall Restoration System to rebuild the foundation wall and restore Amanda's peace of mind. This spray-on solution is twice as strong as standard concrete, it is a fully warrantied repair, and it's much less costly than foundation replacement. Amanda was thrilled with the work and had a remarkable experience with Ryan and Matt! 

Interested in how our ShotCrete process works? Click HERE to learn more! 

Cracked and Bowed Garage Walls Restored in Albert Lea, MN

Marcy B.'s garage walls were bowing and cracking, causing her to worry about the structural build and support of her home. One of her friends had work done by American Waterworks was happy with our services, so Marcy got a hold of our office staff and scheduled a FREE estimate. Our Design Specialist, Dylan Woitas, went to her home to carefully inspect her walls and come up with a solution that would repair the issue. Dylan proposed our CarbonArmor Fiber Wall Reinforcement Strips, which is a system that uses epoxy and carbon fiber strips to strengthen foundation walls. Marcy was confident in the product and our proposal, so she signed Dylan's contract and put down a deposit. 

Our Foreman, Hugo Sanchez, and his production team installed 28 of our Carbon Fiber Strips around the entire garage wall perimeter. Our CarbonArmor Strips are 10 times stronger than steel and were once used for bomb shelters, bridges, and tall buildings. Marcy was happy with the project and her peace of mind was restored knowing that she no longer has to worry! 

Are your walls cracking or bowing? We have professionalized foundation repair products that can help save you and your home repair needs. Call us today to learn more or click HERE to request a free estimate with our team!