Before & After Photos

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Sinking Front Walkway in Rochester, MN

A homeowner in Rochester, MN was interested in finding a solution for her sinking front walkway. The concrete slabs had continued to settle over the years, and it was noticeable from the gap that had appeared in between the steps and walkway. Online she looked up "concrete lifting Rochester MN" and found our website at the top of the results. As she lived in Rochester, she had heard of the American Waterworks company name before, but didn't know what we specialized in. She looked into what we had to offer and soon after became interested in signing up for one of our FREE no-obligation estimates with us. Our Design Specialist, Nate Bernard, later went to the home to inspect the walkway and see what recommendation he could come up with. Nate explained that our PolyLevel foam was a great solution to lift the slabs up with minimal disruption to the concrete. The homeowner agreed and when the project day came, she met with our Foreman, Patrick Burnes, and his crew. They carefully installed the PolyLevel foam and sealed the joints with NexusPro for a smooth look which the homeowner was pleased with.


Curious about if our concrete repair services are right for your front walkway? Click HERE for your free estimate with us to learn more and find out!

Sunken Steps in Rochester, MN

A homeowner in Rochester, MN was tired of dealing with the uneven concrete steps leading down to the driveway. Over time the landing step had sunk quite a bit and created a large amount of space in between it and the next step up. The problem had gotten so bad that he had to place a temporary concrete step in between it so no one would trip while walking up or down them. He knew it was time to find a solution, so he went online in search of concrete repair services in Minnesota. Once he found the American Waterworks company website, he was confident we were the right choice for the project because of our positive reputation in Rochester. He signed up for a FREE estimate with us and later met with our Design Specialist, Mitch Strain. Mitch inspected the concrete steps and developed a plan for how to lift them back up with our PolyLevel solution. Later, on the installation day, our Foreman, Sam Klennert, and his crew arrived at the site to carry out the PolyLevel injections and sealed the joints with NexusPro. The homeowner was very happy with how the project turned out.


If you're dealing with sunken concrete, it doesn't have to stay that way! Click HERE to receive your free estimate with American Waterworks today.

Sunken Stoop Lifted in Rochester, MN

A homeowner in Rochester, MN was looking to make some changes to the front walkway and stoop area leading up to his front door. Curious about what services provided concrete repairs in the Rochester area, he went online and looked up "concrete lifting Rochester, MN." He discovered the American Waterworks website and decided to sign up for a FREE no-obligation estimate to learn more from one of our experts. We sent over our Design Specialist, Mitch Strain, to the home to inspect the concrete and come up with a plan to fix it. Mitch explained to the homeowner that the soil underneath the concrete had likely settled over time and caused the slabs and stoop to sink. To tackle this problem, he suggested installing our PolyLevel foam to lift and level the concrete back up. The homeowner agreed and later was greeted by our Foreman, Dylon VanCanneyt, and his crew. They carefully injected the PolyLevel and made sure the homeowner was happy with everything before heading out.


If you're interested in getting the concrete repair process started, don't hesitate to reach out to us and receive your FREE estimate!

Sinking Stairs Get a Lift in Rochester, MN

A homeowner from Rochester, MN, was growing concerned about a large gap forming between her front stoop and stairs. Not wanting the issue to get any worse, she decided to call American Waterworks, after she found us on an online home improvement website. A few weeks later, our Design Specialist, Nate, made his way out to the house to complete the homeowner's FREE estimate inspection. Once he completed his walkthrough, he informed the homeowner that we could easily remedy the issue by using our PolyLevel lifting and leveling solution. He explained that PolyLevel is a polyurethane foam that expands when it's injected below slabs, slowly lifting them back into place. Nate finished by saying that once the lift is complete, our team installs our NexusPro, a silicone-based sealant that gets applied to the joints and cracks in the concrete to prevent any elements from getting under the slab, potentially compromising the lift. The homeowner agreed and the concrete repair project was scheduled to be completed a few weeks later. 

On the day of the project our Foreman, Jordan, and his team made quick work of the lift. Once the job was completed, our homeowner was thrilled to know she no longer had to worry about unwanted gaps in her concrete! 

Sinking Front Patio Gets Transformed in Rochester, MN

A homeowner in Rochester, MN, had been keeping an eye on a crack forming in her front patio leading up to her front door. She didn't want the crack to have a chance to worsen, so she began researching companies that could help fix the issue. She found our website and decided to take advantage of our FREE estimates. A few weeks later, our Design Specialist, Will R, headed out to the home to see the crack for himself. 

After Will finished his walkthrough, he met with the homeowner to give his recommendations. He informed her that he believed the problem could be fixed with our PolyLevel solution. PolyLevel is a polyurethane foam that expands when injected beneath concrete slabs, filling voids left by soil erosion and slowly lifting the concrete back into its desired location. He finished by saying that our installations are completed with our NexusPro. A silicone-based sealant, NexusPro gets applied to all cracks and joints in the concrete to ensure that no unwanted moisture can get through to the tender soil beneath. The homeowner agreed to the work, and the project was scheduled for later in the summer. 

On the day of the installation, our Foreman, Troy, and his team made quick work of lifting and sealing the concrete. Now our customer can breathe a bit easier knowing that the crack won't continue to grow! 

Do you have a piece of concrete giving you trouble? Click HERE to claim your FREE estimate!