Before & After Photos

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Bowed Foundation Wall in Fairmont, MN

This homeowner in Fairmont, MN was experiencing bowing foundation wall. American Waterworks installed wall anchors to stabilize their wall and straighten it. If you are experiencing a similar issue, click here  for a free quote!

Tilting Foundation Stabilized in Lake Crystal, MN

Sander L. in Lake Crystal, MN had a tilting foundation wall that he was concerned about. He wanted to have a professional look at it before the wall failed altogether. He contacted American Waterworks and we sent one of our Design Specialists, Shane Nephew, to his home to provide Sander with a solution. He was pleased to learn that we could permanently restore his wall by installing 3 wall anchors.

Our production crew drilled 3 small holes through the foundation wall and into the dirt behind it. Next, they placed anchors on each end of the metal rods and tightened them as far as they could go. Sander was happy that he could see immediate improvement in the stability of the wall. He is glad he chose to invest in the protection of his home.

Do you have cracked or bowing foundation walls? Click here to receive a FREE estimate!

Bowing Foundation Walls in Ramsey, MN

Jen S. in Ramsey, MN had a bowing foundation wall in her home and a sinking garage. She visited the American Waterworks booth at a local home show and learned about our foundation repair solutions.

One of our Design Specialists, Shane Nephew, explained our wall anchors and push piers, and how they can permanently stabilize her foundation. She was interested to see if we could solve her foundation problem, so she set an appointment with Shane for a FREE onsite estimate. After Shane inspected her foundation wall and garage, he determined that installing 11 wall anchors on one side of the home and installing 8 piers underneath the garage, would permanently repair and stabilize her foundation. 

She agreed with the plan that Shane developed, so we set an installation date. Once our crew had installed and tightened the wall anchors, Jen was able to see the drastic improvement with the stability of the wall.

The push piers installed under the garage raised the garage and secured the foundation, so Jen will never again have to worry about her foundation settling and the damage that can cause to a home. Jen now has peace of mind because she chose to invest in protecting her most valuable asset. 

If you have noticed your foundation settling or walls cracking, click here for a FREE estimate!

Complete Foundation Stabilization in Anoka, MN

A homeowner in Anoka, MN, worried about the status of their foundation walls. Unsure of who to work with, the homeowner asked a local Facebook group for any suggestions. Several people recommended reaching out to us, American Waterworks. The homeowner called our Appointment Center and signed up for their FREE estimate. As soon as their appointment was set, the homeowner prepared for the arrival of Rick, one of our Design Specialists. Once Rick arrived at the home, he began his evaluation of the foundation. Following his detailed analysis, Rick recommended stabilizing the foundation walls. After evaluating all their options, the homeowner decided to go with Rick's recommendations. Once they earned the stamp of approval, our Foreman, Luis, and his crew began the foundation repair project. When they arrived, the crew started by installing four PowerBraces on the north foundation wall. Once the PowerBraces were secured into place, the crew attached five CarbonArmor strips onto the same wall. The crew successfully installed all the foundation stabilization products, so they cleaned up their materials and left the home. The homeowner was relieved to know their foundation was stable. American Waterworks is happy to provide another homeowner peace of mind. 

Bowing Basement Wall Stabilized in Waconia, MN

Nick in Waconia, MN just moved in to a new home and discovered cracks in his foundation and a bowing basement wall. He was concerned about the value of his home and the potential problems these foundation issues could cause if left alone, so he contacted American Waterworks to have one of our foundation repair experts inspect his foundation. Our Design Specialist, Chad Johnson, determined that Nick’s best option was to repair his foundation using wall anchors. Chad explained the process and let Nick know that repairing his foundation will solve the problem in an efficient and cost-effective way, so Nick chose to move forward with having our system installed.

Our production team installed 14 wall anchors along the perimeter of Nick’s foundation walls in his basement. We drilled long metal rods through the brick walls and into the soil surrounding the home. Then we secured the rods with anchor plates on each end and tightened them. After the installation, the walls became stable and began to straighten. Our foundation repair products are guaranteed for a lifetime, so Nick is confident that he chose the right solution for his home!

Are you noticing cracks in your foundation? Contact us here to receive a FREE estimate!