Before & After Photos

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Sagging Floors Lifted in Park River, ND

Wanda L. of Park River, ND had sagging floors, and she wanted to get them lifted and leveled. She had American Waterworks come out and do the work. Our Design Specialist, Kole, provided her with an educated solution on our SmartJacks, and our Foreman, Ryan, and his production installed the system. Once the project was completed, Wanda's peace of mind was at ease and she was grateful we were able to help her and match her timeframe. 

Is your foundation settling, sagging, deteriorating, cracking, or bowing? We can help! Click here to request your FREE estimate. 

Basement Stabilized in Gackle, ND

Susan was looking to purchase a home in Gackle, ND. However, the house sale was contingent upon the foundation being addressed. While the project was more work than Susan anticipated for the sale, our team was able to work with her and her realtor to find a solution that worked well for her and the home. 

First, our Design Specialist, Kole, went to the home to address the situation with a complete walkthrough. Once complete, he went over the plan with the client; she agreed and set a time for our crew to get to work.

Our Foreman, and crew began the project by breaking out a big hole in the concrete floor. In the hole, our team installed our TripleSafe Sump Pump System with three levels of protection to solve all water problems a the homeowner may experience. Along with the TripleSafe Sump Pump is a battery backup that helps in cases where power is lost in a home the battery will keep the pumps draining any excess water build-up. Our team covered the small, open gaps with river rock to complete the installation and applied new concrete. To direct water away from the home's foundation so that it would not leak back into the basement, the team added a standard discharge line from the South end of the basement. Furthermore, American Waterworks can help prevent wintertime freeze-up of discharge lines. We installed the patented IceGuard® system, an anti-freeze fitting that is installed outside of the home and ejects water away from the foundation if the sump pump discharge lines freeze or become clogged.

Next, our team addressed the foundational issues by strategically placing PowerBraces around the basement, inserting 11, 9' PowerBraces to stabilize the wall further. The PowerBrace system is an I-shaped beam that stabilizes and helps straighten the bow of the wall over time. The PowerBrace system is drilled into the support beams of the home and the concrete on which the home lies. The PowerBrace™ can be installed with no disruption to outside soils or landscaping. This foundation wall system installs quickly in your home, immediately and permanently halting the inward movement of your foundation walls. The team also worked to install 7 of our GeoLock anchors throughout the basement. GeoLock Wall Anchors permanently stabilize foundation walls by anchoring them to the hard-packed virgin soil beyond the foundation.

If you needs support, call our team for a FREE estimate, entitling you to a thorough, no-obligation estimate by a member of our Sales team.

Old Basement Space Supported in Medina, ND

Laura, a homeowner in Medina, ND, was worried about the state of her basement. Living in an older home, she noticed signs of water intrusion and potential foundation issues. She feared she would risk compromising the home's structural integrity if she left the issue unresolved. When she called in, we set her up with a FREE estimate. Shortly after the appointment was scheduled, our Design Specialist, Kole, headed out to the property. Once he completed his walkthrough, he recommended how we could help. Laura was confident in the plan, and an installation date was set.

The plan was to use our GeoLock Wall Anchors to correct the issue. This innovative system permanently stabilizes foundation walls by anchoring them to the hard-packed virgin soil beyond the foundation. Additionally, the anchors can be tightened over time. 

Our Foreman, Tanner, and his crew installed 18 GeoLock anchors throughout the basement; five each on the East and West sides, and four each on the North and South sides. When the work was done, Laura was happy to know that her basement walls were no longer an issue. 

Bowing Walls Straightened in Cavalier, ND

A homeowner in Cavalier, ND, noticed the crack throughout the wall was spreading. Knowing it was time for repairs, the homeowner began looking into professional foundation repair companies near them. After looking into "bowing wall repair near Cavalier, ND", one of the first companies to populate was us, American Waterworks. Impressed with our previous project, the homeowner was convinced to work with us. The homeowner called our Appointment Center and signed up for their FREE estimate. Once the estimate was set, the homeowner awaited the arrival of Kole, one of our Design Specialists. Kole arrived at the home and introduced himself to the homeowner. Then, the homeowner showed Kole the problem area of the foundation. Kole inspected the inside and outside foundation. Once he completed the inspection, Kole determined that the foundation was settling and required permanent stabilization. Kole suggested installing our wall anchoring system to stabilize the foundation. The homeowner agreed with this suggestion and the plans were sent to the office to be finalized. Once the office approved, the plans were sent to our Foreman, Aaron, and his crew. Aaron and his crew traveled to the home and began the installation. First, the crew installed 9 GeoLock Wall Anchors along the north and east walls. Once the GeoLocks were secured, the crew installed four PowerBraces on the south basement walls. Additionally, the crew left a tightening kit, so the homeowner can tighten the walls over time. Once the project was complete, the crew cleaned up their materials and left the home. The homeowner was grateful to know their foundation was permanently stabilized. American Waterworks is happy to provide their homeowner peace of mind knowing their foundation is secured. 

Cracked Garage Foundation Saved in Devils Lake, ND

A homeowner in Devils Lake, ND, was concerned that the cracks in their garage foundation were spreading. Worried about the long-term effects, the homeowner began looking into repair options near them. Unsure where to begin, the homeowner started by looking at foundation repair companies in Fargo, ND. The homeowner's eye was caught by our impressive ratings and reviews, so they decided to sign up for their FREE estimate. After the estimate was set, the homeowner awaited for the arrival of one of our Design Specialists, Dylan. Soon after Dylan arrived, he began his thorough investigation of the basement. Following his walk-through, Dylan determined that the cause of the cracked garage foundation was settlement. To stop the cracking from continuing, Dylan recommended installing GeoLock Wall anchors to the west and north foundation walls. Once the homeowner approved the plans, they were sent to our Office to be approved. Once they received the final stamp of approval, they were sent to our Foreman, Kingsley, and his crew. Kingsley and his crew arrived at the home to begin the project. The crew began by preparing the cracked wall for the GeoLock installation. The crew attached seven GeoLock Wall Anchors to the garage foundation, three on the west wall and four on the north wall. Once the GeoLock Anchors were secure, the crew cleaned up their materials and left the home. The homeowner was thankful for the excellent work completed by the crew. If you notice your foundation is suffering sign up for your FREE estimate today!