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Basement Waterproofing in West Union, IA

Duane M. in West Union, IA was suffering from a wet basement. Water was seeping into his home through the basement walls and had started to cause damage to his property. After being referred by a friend, he contacted American Waterworks for a FREE estimate. One of our Desgin Specialists, Pete Wangen, met with Duane, inspected his basement, and designed the best solution for his needs. He was pleased with the proposal and scheduled to have our waterproofing system installed. 

Our Foreman, Kiko Pena, and his production crew started the installation by removing the concrete around the perimeter of the basement. Then, they laid the WaterGuard drainage system and installed our recommended TripleSafe sump pump. They also installed our CleanSpace vapor barrier along the walls. The combination of these waterproofing products has made Duan’s basement a dry, brighter and healthier space. Duane is happy he chose to protect his basement! 

Do you have water leaking into your basement? Click here to learn more!

Wet Basement Floor Fixed in West Union, IA

A homeowner in West Union, IA was looking to improve his basement space after noticing some water damage that had occurred. He knew that leaving the problem alone would only lead to more damage when future water would make its way inside. He did some research of companies online that specialized in basement waterproofing and was overwhelmed with how many came up. The homeowner ended up going with American Waterworks because of our FREE estimate offers and positive reviews spread across our website. He was greeted by Design Specialist Ryan Manske to come up with a solution after carefully looking at the area. Ryan assured him that even with the damage that had been done, there was a way to fix it with our products, and the homeowner agreed to the installations. The plans were approved and given to Foreman Gabriel Ramos and his crew. They arrived at the site and installed both our WaterGuard perimeter drain system and a TripleSafe sump system. The area was ready to take on water and the homeowner was very pleased with the basement's results.


Looking to get your basement waterproofed? We're here to help you! Start the process with a FREE no-obligation estimate appointment today.

Waterproofing Basement in Ossian, IA

A homeowner in Ossian, IA was concerned when he went down to his basement and noticed a large puddle of water that had formed on the floor. He found that the issue was coming in from multiple sides of the house and spread to cover a larger area of the floor. He decided that something needed to be done to prevent further damage to the space. He contacted American Waterworks and we set him up with one of our FREE no-obligation estimates. Once we received more information on what the problem was, we sent over Design Specialist Dustin Amenda to the home. Dustin knew just how the problem had started and explained that water could easily enter through any cracks and pores in concrete floors, like the ones in the homeowner's basement. As a solution, Dustin recommended our WaterGuard system to be installed to catch future incoming water and send it away to the sump pump. The homeowner agreed to the plans and when one of our Foremen, Jeremiah Fischer, and his crew arrived they carefully installed the WaterGuard. The homeowner was relieved to have a way to fix the problem and happy he called American Waterworks.


If you're facing some similar issues, you know who to contact! We're here to help and can get you started with a FREE no-obligation estimate.

Full Perimeter WaterGuard Installed in Onalaska, WI

Elinor in Onalaska, WI had water leaking into her basement. She was concerned about the damage that the water was causing and interested in our French drain products, so she called us for a free estimate. One of our Design Specialists went to her home to inspect her basement and design a solution. We recommended that she have our full perimeter WaterGuard system installed to ensure that her basement would be permanently waterproofed. Elinor liked the proposal that we presented to her, so she scheduled the installation.

Our production team started the installation by removing the concrete around the perimeter of the basement. Then, they laid the WaterGuard drainage system and connected it to her existing sump pump. The drainage system now properly guides water to the sump pump, and from there the water is expelled from the home. Now Elinor wil be able to enjoy a dry basement for many years to come. She is glad she chose to invest in the protection of her home.

Do you have a wet basement? Click here to receive a free estimate!

Sump Pump Installation in Onalaska, WI

Kris and Steve F. of Onalaska, WI was interested in getting the rest of their basement waterproofed. They had one of our service technicians out to examine their basement space. Our service technician proposed our SuperSump Sump Pump System, our WaterGuard Below Floor Drain, and our half wall CleanSpace Wall System Vapor Barrier. Kris and Steve were confident in the solution so they went ahead with the project. 

Our Foreman, Tremaine, and his crew installed all of the systems underneath their staircase. Kris and Steve were very happy with the work and could not believe our crew finished it in one day!

Is water leaking into your basement? Give our company a call to schedule a FREE estimate