Before & After Photos

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Crawl Space Spray Foam Service in Barnum, MN

A homeowner in Barnum, MN reached out to DBS regarding our insulation service. certain areas of the home had cold air leaks and drafts, and the homeowner wanted to find a solution that would help save the home energy. After a thorough inspection, it was determined that one area in need of better insulation would be the crawl space of the home. To do this, our crew would install spray foam insulation along the crawl space ground and wood wall unit. This insulation will replace the original fiberglass insulation that was occupying the crawl space. The results turned out great, and the homeowner can now enjoy a more warm and energy-efficient environment.

PowerBrace® System Installed in Barnum, MN Rental Home to Stabilize Basement Walls

The owner of this home in Barnum, MN reached out to DBS after becoming concerned about their tenant's safety as the basement walls were bowed and cracked.

A DBS Design Specialist went to the home to conduct a free no-obligation estimate for the homeowner and after a thorough inspection recommended our PowerBrace® Wall Bracing System.

A DBS Foreman led the installation of this project with assistance from a crew. Together they installed 8 PowerBrace® i-beams in the basement of the home. The PowerBrace® system comes with a 75-year warranty against the additional movement, ensuring that once installed, the wall will be permanently stabilized. Brackets at the top of each PowerBrace® can be tightened during dry seasons in an attempt to straighten the wall back to its original position as well.

Now that the home has been permanently stabilized, the homeowner can have peace of mind and not need to worry about the safety of their tenants.

Barnum, MN Home with Crawl Space Foundation Stabilized with SmartJack® System

The owners of this home in Barnum, MN noticed that their windows were hard to open, caused by their sinking crawl space foundation. They reached out to DBS in hopes of finding a solution

Design Specialist Henry Jungbauer went to the home to conduct a free no-obligation estimate for the homeowner. After a thorough inspection, Henry recommended our SmartJack® System to the homeowner.

A DBS Foreman led the installation of this project with assistance from a crew. Together they installed the main steel beam and 11 SmartJack® supports underneath in order to permanently stabilize the foundation. The crew also installed a layer of CleanSpace® water vapor barrier on the ground and applied spray foam to the vertical walls in order to provide some insulation to the space.

Now that the home has been stabilized and insulated, the homeowners can relax with peace of mind and their crawl space is maintenance-free.

Crawl Space Encapsulated in Grand Marais, MN

In this Grand Marais home, the homeowner was having trouble with their dirty, damp crawl space creating musty odors in their home. If left untreated this problem could have lead to mold and rot in the wooden supports of the building. The homeowner wanted to make sure they had a permanent solution to the problem instead of treating the symptoms, so they had DBS Residential Solutions encapsulate their crawl space with our patented CleanSpace polyethylene vapor barrier with the addition of a sump pump to remove water that entered under the barrier. 

High Radon Levels in Grand Marais, MN

Up the North Shore in Grand Marais, radon levels are commonly known to be in the danger zone. Due to the fact that radon can have serious effects on one's health, this homeowner wanted to find out the radon level in their own home. Although there is no safe level of radon, 4.0 pCi/L is the recommended level when action must be taken. This homeowner did some research and reached out to DBS, to have them make a trip out to the home for a free test. The results that came back showed the levels ranged from 11 pCi/L to 18 pCi/L, meaning a great danger for the homeowner. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer, only second to smoking, which put the homeowner at a greater risk by having these high levels. The Specialist that came out to test the home, then explained to the homeowner what the best possible route would be to take care of the danger. The first step would be to seal all cracks in the home, but especially those in the basement, because radon comes from the ground. With all the cracks sealed, a fan moisture guard would be installed to filter out any radon gases trying to enter the home. This would then be transferred from the basement to the outside and above the home. After going through a thorough explanation and coming to a comfortable price agreement, a date was set to have a crew come out to complete the installation. Once that was complete, the levels were brought down so the homeowner no longer had to worry about the risk of exposure of radon. With radon no longer posing a threat, the homeowner was spared any additional health effects through the work of DBS.