Before & After Photos

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Floor Support Beam Raising in Loveland, OH

This customer had a sinking crawlspace that was resulting in the floors to sag. We fixed this by supporting the main beam using SmartJacks. The SmartJacks are able to raise the beam back and can be adjusted in the future if future sagging occurs. 

Foundation Repair in Loveland, OH

This house was having foundation settlement issues around various areas that required various solutions. Pictured are our PowerBraces, which will stop the wall from caving in and shifting horizontally. Not pictured was PolyFoam leveling done to the porch area, which fixed some outdoor concrete from breaking down any further. We also installed helical piers to stop the foundation from shifting vertically as well. 

Basement Wall Repair and Waterproofing in Loveland, Ohio

This home had a basement that was leaking water and some walls that were bowing/bending inwards. We installed our waterproofing system consisting of WaterGuard drains and a TripleSafe sump pump to combat the water leaking problem. We then installed PowerBraces, which are able to hold the wall in place to stay away from structure failure. 

Stabilizing a Bowed Wall in the Basement of a Home in Loveland, Ohio

In order to stabilize this bowed in wall, we installed our PowerBrace system. Our PowerBraces aren't just your normal steel beams. They are designed to distribute the weight of the walls evenly all throughout the brace, which will prevent damage to the floor joists. They are also easily installed and adjustable, which allows us to straighten the wall out over time. They also look very clean, are very durable, and are coated in zinc which prevents rust.

Helical Pier System used to resolve stair step cracking in Owensville, Ohio.

We used our helical pier system to repair a foundation in Owensville, Ohio.  A corner of the foundation was settling causing cracking in the outside brick of the home.  Once the Helical Piers were installed we were able to stabilize the foundation and also resolve the cracks in the brick.