Before & After Photos

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Wall Straightening and Bracing in Leroy, MN.

The customer was concerned about water problems and a bowing foundation wall. American Waterworks was able to straighten the wall, waterproof the foundation, and apply a vapor barrier.

Failing Foundation in Wabasha, MN

A homeowner in Wabasha, MN, was doing some landscaping in her yard when he noticed a crack running up her foundation. She was concerned because he didn't know if the crack continued below the foundation. He spoke with neighbors about the problem and was directed to American Waterworks. He signed up for his FREE estimate, and a few weeks later, our Design Specialist, Michel, headed out to the home to inspect the problem. Once he completed his inspection, he explained to the homeowner that her foundation was settling, which American Waterworks could help with. He went on to say that a failing foundation that is left unaddressed won't get better over time. Michel wanted to use our Helical Piers to stabilize and lift the foundation. Michel explained that our helical piers are the premier choice to lift the foundation back to its original position. These piers are mechanically advanced into the soil using small construction equipment or hand equipment. As they are installed to appropriate depths and capacities, they prevent any future settlement issues. The homeowner agreed with the proposal, and the foundation repair project was scheduled to be completed a few weeks later. 

Our Foreman, Luis, and his crew installed 3 of our helical piers on the failing side of the home. Now our homeowner can resume her daily life without worrying about her home's foundation! 

Have you noticed unwanted cracks in your foundation? Click HERE to claim your FREE estimate! 

Channel Anchors Stabilize Foundation Wall in Durand, WI

Jon K. in Durand, WI had a cracked and bowing basement wall that was only getting worse over time. He started doing some research online and came across the American Waterworks website. He was happy to learn that we’ve been successfully repairing foundations for 30 years! We sent one of our Design Specialists, Dustin Loftus, to evaluate the situation and propose the best solution. Jon was impressed with our products and moved forward with the project. 

Our Foreman, Jose Castillo, and his production crew were able to stabilize the foundation wall with the installation of 5 Geo-Lock Channel Anchors. Channel Anchors are installed with minimal disturbance to the lawn and landscaping and mount to the foundation floor and wall for optimal bracing and failure protection. Jon was impressed with the quick installation and is glad he made the investment to protect his home! 

Do you have cracked or bowing walls? Don’t wait until it’s too late! Click here for a FREE estimate.

Foundation Repaired in Durand, WI

Gerald B. of Durand, WI needed foundation repair work as soon as possible before it got worse. He did some research online and came across American Waterworks. He called our office line and set up a FREE Estimate with our Design Specialist, Charles Haldeman. Charles went to his home, inspected his foundation and came up with a solution that fit his needs and budget. Gerald went ahead with the proposal and scheduled an installation date. 

Our Foreman, Matt Zeller, and his production team installed our ShotLock around the entire wall perimeter of the basement. Our ShotLock is a spray-on solution made to demolish and rebuild a deteriorating foundation. It is faster and less expensive than a foundation replacement, it restores the safety and property value with minimum disturbance to the home, and it is a fully warrantied repair. Gerlad was thrilled with the work and had a remarkable experience! 

Cracked and Bowed Wall in Stewartville, MN

A homeowner in Stewartville, MN called us with concerns about her bowing basement wall. You can see the shift in the wall structure between the bricks in our before photo.  American Waterworks was able to stabilize the wall with our patented PowerBrace System preventing any further bowing or cracking of the foundation.