Before & After Photos

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Basement Waterproofing Transformation in Saint James, MN

A customer from Saint James, MN got in contact with us when he had enough of unwanted water and moisture finding its way into his basement. He feared that if he left the issue unresolved, he could run the risk of developing mold and bacteria or damaging the structural integrity of the home. When he called our Appointment Center, we got him scheduled with our FREE estimate; a thorough inspection of the issue by one of our Design Specialists. When our Design Specialist stopped at the house, he completed his walk-through and made recommendations as to how we could remedy the issue. He began by informing the homeowner that water was entering the basement through cracks and porous holes in the wall. He said we could fix this issue by installing our CleanSpace vapor barrier along with our WaterGuard drainage system. He explained to the homeowner that the CleanSpace is a tarp-like material that gets tacked to the wall. It works to catch any water entering the home through the wall, directing it downwards. He went on to say that this is where the WaterGuard comes into play. This drainage system lies beneath the concrete of the floor and catches water dripping down the wall, directing it to the appropriate disposal site. The customer agreed with our recommendations and work began shortly after. 

Our construction crew, led by Foreman Lane, ended up installing 100 ft of both the CleanSpace and WaterGuard throughout the basement of the home. When the job was completed, our customer was happy to know that no more unwanted water would find its way into his basement! 


SuperSump Plus Sump Pump Installed in Buffalo, MN

Jenna K. of Buffalo, MN had water leaking into her basement so she called American Waterworks to schedule a FREE Estimate. Our Design Specialist, Chad Johnson, went to her home to inspect the problem and come up with a solution. Jenna appreciated Chad's time and was content with the proposal, so she went ahead with the installation. 

Our Foreman, Cole Brinkman, and his production team began the installation by breaking out 10 feet of concrete to make a feed line. From there, our crew installed our SuperSump Plus Sump Pump to the feedline. Our crew filled the open gaps with rock, and replaced the concrete. Jenna was at ease with the finalized outcome! 

What does out SuperSump Plus Sump Pump do? Click here to learn more:

Water Seeping in Buffalo, MN

A homeowner in Buffalo, MN, was doing their laundry when they discovered standing water around their sump pump. Alarmed by this discovery, the homeowner immediately wanted to tackle the situation before it worsened. Knowing we have done great work in the past, the homeowner contacted our Appointment Center and signed up for their FREE estimate. Once the estimate was finalized, the homeowner prepared for the arrival of one of our Design Specialists, Dylan. After Dylan arrived, he began his walkthrough of the basement. Following his detailed walkthrough, Dylan determined that the corner of the home required to be waterproofed. Dylan suggested that WaterGuard be installed in that corner of the home. After deliberating, the homeowners decided that this was their best option. As soon as they were given the okay, our Foreman, Arturo, and his crew traveled to begin the project. First, the crew had to half-demo the eastern corner wall. After the wall was half demolished, the crew was able to install the WaterGuard along the footing. After the crew installed the WaterGuard, they completed the installation and put the basement back in place. The homeowners were relieved to know their basement flood risk was diminished. American Waterworks is happy to provide another homeowner peace of mind. 

Basement Waterproofing Before and After in Buffalo, MN

A homeowner was worried about his basement after a heavy rainfall, so he went downstairs to see if any damage was done. Sure enough, he found some small puddles of water on the floor and knew that his pump was most likely not working properly. He went online in search of a solution and came across the American Waterworks website. Our FREE estimates were intriguing to him because he liked the idea of speaking with a professional before agreeing to any installations. One of our Design Specialists, Dave Seawell, went to the home and informed the homeowner of our quality waterproofing products. He developed a detailed plan for his recommendations and once they were approved, the project was ready to be completed. Our Foreman, Lane Schlobohm, and his crew went to the site and installed the WaterGuard basement drain system, TripleSafe sump pump, and CleanSpace wall vapor barrier. The homeowner was very impressed with the work done by our crew and happy with the final results.


If you're interested in your own FREE estimate, look no further! We're eager to help get your basement waterproof project started soon.

Moisture Collection in Winthrop, MN Basement

Andrew in Winthrop, MN had water leaking through his block foundation where the wall meets the floor. He had a working sump pump already in place, but without a drainage system the water had no way to reach the pump. He contacted American Waterworks to receive a FREE estimate, so we sent a Design Specialist to his home to develop a solution for Andrew. Our Specialist recommend having our WaterGuard drainage system installed and connected to the sump pump.

Andrew agreed with this solution, so our production crew started the installation by removing the concrete around the perimeter of the floor to create a trench for the WaterGuard. Then, they laid the WaterGuard drainage system and filled back the gaps with rock. They connected the drainage system into the existing sump pump and then replaced the concrete. This process only took a day to complete, and now Andrew is enjoying a dry, healthier basement.

To learn more about our drainage system, click here!