Before & After Photos

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Deteriorated Foundation Wall Restored in Saint Hilaire, MN

Homeowners in Saint Hilaire, MN had a deteriorated foundation wall that they wanted to get fixed up and repaired. They found American Waterworks online and contacted our office staff through our online chat. Our Design Specialist went to the homeowner's house to inspect their foundation wall and determine a solution. After a thorough inspection, the homeowners were confident in the proposal, so they went ahead with the project. 

Our Foreman and his crew installed our Wall Recovery System, which is a special, company-based foundation repair spray-on solution that rebuilds deteriorating walls. It gives the foundation a nice appearance and is much stronger than concrete. 

If you have a crumbling or deteriorating foundation wall, we can help! Give us a call to schedule your FREE estimate

Sump Pump Replaced in Crookston, MN

Terri O. of Crookston, MN had water leaking from their pre-existing sump pump, making them feel nervous about water moisture problems. They got in contact with our office staff and scheduled a FREE Estimate with our Design Specialist, Chad Johnson. Chad went to their home, inspected their sump pump, and came up with a solution. Terri was confident in Chad's proposal, so they went ahead with the project. 

Our Foreman, Ryan Loe, and his crew began the project by breaking out the concrete around the pre-existing sump pump and replacing it with our TripleSafe Sump Pump System. Our TripleSafe is made to keep basements dry for long periods of time, it provides three levels of protection, and it solves all three water problems in one system. To finish the project, our team applied new concrete around the sump pump. 

To learn more about our sump pumps and what they can do for your home, click HERE

Basement Waterproofing in Crookston, MN

Lisa and Gary B. were getting water in their basement every spring. They got sick and tired of the maintenance, so they contacted our team to schedule a FREE estimate. Our Design Specialist, Ian, went to their home, inspected their entire basement, and drew out a solution. Lisa and Gary were confident in Ian's plan, so they signed his contract, wrote out a deposit check, and set up a date for the installation. 

Our Foreman, Corey, and his production crew began the project by installing 144 feet of our CleanSpace Wall System Vapor Barrier. Our CleanSpace is a waterproof vapor barrier that covers holes and divots, prevents mold and mildew, and directs water into the drainage system. Next, our team installed our DryTrak Baseboard Basement Drain Pipe. Our DryTrak is specifically made for floors that are poured as just one piece; the floor itself and the footing. For this system, no jackhammering is needed, it stays above the mud zone, and it collects water seepage from basement walls. Lisa and Gary were happy with the work that was done and could not believe the beautifying transformation! 

Our professionals sell and install more systems besides basement waterproofing. We also perform work in foundation repair, crawl space repair/encapsulation, radon testing/mitigation, and concrete lifting/repair. Call us today to schedule your FREE estimate

Failing Foundation Fixed in Arthur, ND

Nathan from Arthur, ND, was beginning to notice interior signs of foundation failure in his basement, in the form of cracks running down his wall. He was afraid that if he left the issue unresolved, he would run the risk of the issue worsening, compromising the structural integrity of the home. He decided to call our office and we set him up with our FREE estimate, entitling him to a free inspection of the issue, and recommendation as to how we could help fix it. A few weeks later our Design Specialist headed out to the property to see what could be done. After his walkthrough, our Design Specialist recommended raising the foundation with the help of our Push Pier system. He explained that this system is made of steel and is driven deep into the soil beneath a foundation to solve settlement problems. Push piers can be installed inside or outside your foundation walls and are not visible once the repair is complete. In many scenarios, push piers not only stop settlement but lift the foundation back to its original position, closing cracks and improving window and door operation. Nathan agreed with the recommendation and work began a few weeks later. 

Our Foreman, Domenic, and his crew ended up installing 20+ push piers around the exterior of the home, connected to the foundation footing. Once the project was completed, Nathan was happy to know he no longer had to worry about his homes foundation! 

Basement Waterproofed in Hillsboro, ND

A homeowner in Hillsboro, ND had water leaking from their basement walls, causing them to have water moisture problems and wet floors. They did some research online and came across American Waterworks and our service area. They called our office line to schedule a FREE Estimate with our Design Specialist, Chad Johnson. Chad went to their home to inspect the problem and come up with a solution. The homeowner was confident in Chad's design, so they scheduled an installation date. 

Our Foreman, Jesus Covarrubias, and his production team began the installation by breaking out the concrete perimeter, forming a trench. Next, our team applied our CleanSpace Wall System where the water was leaking. Our CleanSpace is a vapor barrier that prevents mold and humidity and serves as an extra wall protectant. Then, our team installed our WaterGuard System in the trench, which serves as an underground drain and collects water seepage from basement walls. In connection with the WaterGuard, our team installed our TripleSafe Sump Pump System. Our TripleSafe solves all three water problems in one system and is the best sump pump that we provide for customers. To complete the project, Jesus and his crew covered the open gaps with rock and replaced the concrete. The homeowner was ecstatic with the work and had a remarkable experience from start to finish! 

For more information on our basement waterproofing products, click HERE

Interested in a FREE Estimate? Click HERE to fill out our online request form!