Before & After Photos

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PolyLevel Lifts and Restores Concrete in Joice, IA

Jayne S. in Joice, IA contacted American Waterworks after being referred to us by a current customer. She had some concrete slabs that had settled in front of her home. She was concerned that water was being guided toward her home, and she was interested in our PolyLevel lifting and leveling solution to repair the concrete. We sent one of our Design Specialists, Kevin Beseman, to meet with Jayne and evaluate the situation. Jayne was happy to learn that our Poly Level option is a faster, more durable, and affordable alternative to mudjacking or total concrete replacement.

Our Foreman, Trevor Ellingson, and Co-Foreman, Brevyn Kirkpatrick, drilled pencil-sized holes into the concrete slabs that needed to be raised. Then, they injected the PolyLevel foam until the concrete was raised and leveled. Lastly, they filled the cracks in the concrete with our Nexus Pro sealant. The process was non-invasive, and it only took a couple of hours. Jayne is glad she will be able to enjoy a level walkway for years to come!

Do you have uneven and sunken concrete? Click here for your FREE estimate!

Concrete Repair in Albert Lea, MN

Gloria and Terry of Albert Lea, MN had concerns about the concrete slab in their garage. They called American Waterworks and scheduled a FREE estimate with our Design Specialist. Our Design Specialist went to their home, inspected their garage floor, and determined a solution. We proposed our PolyLevel and NexusPro. Gloria and Terry were confident with the proposal, so they signed the contract and put down a deposit. 

Our Foreman and his crew member injected 229 pounds of our PolyLevel, which is designed to stabilize the surface and fill all the voids underneath the concrete. Next, our team applied our NexusPro over the garage cracks. This part of the process ensures that moisture stays away from the soil underneath the slab, and it gives the concrete a clean appearance. Gloria and Terry were happy with the repairs and had a great experience from start to finish! 

Are you experiencing problems with your concrete? Call us today to schedule your FREE estimate

Commercial Concrete Repair Project in Albert Lea, MN

The Veterinary Clinic in Albert Lea was in need of concrete work on their property. They found American Waterworks on HomeAdvisor, so their ownership requested a FREE estimate. Our Design Specialist, Jarrett, went and met with the owner on-site and proposed the solution of our PolyLevel and NexusPro. The owner was confident in the proposal, so they moved along with the project. 

Our Foreman, Ben K, and his crew member injected 101 pounds of our PolyLevel foam to raise and level the concrete. This foam is designed to fill the voids that are caused by soil erosion. Next, our team applied 69 feet of our NexusPro over the cracks to prevent moisture from seeping underneath and to provide the concrete with a nice, clean finish. The owner was happy with the work that was done!

Is your commercial company looking for concrete lifting and repair? Give American Waterworks a call today! 

Cured Crack in Albert Lea, MN

A homeowner had always enjoyed sitting on his back patio area during the warmer spring and summer months in Albert Lea, MN. Unfortunately, a large crack had developed over the last few years and had progressively gotten worse. Not wanting to have the issue last another year or become a tripping hazard, the homeowner began his research on businesses in the area to solve the problem. During his search he came across the name American Waterworks and was intrigued by our FREE estimate services. He scheduled his no obligation appointment and was greeted later by our Design Specialist, Nate Bernard. Nate suggested the installation of PolyLevel, to lift and level the sunken concrete and NexusPro, to seal the crack and smooth the surface. The homeowner agreed to the plan and the installation process started weeks later by our Foreman, Ryan Trogstad, and his crew. They were able to perform successful installations resulting in a crack free surface and a happy homeowner.


Don't get tripped up by your cracked concrete! Click HERE to schedule your free estimate appointment.

Slanted Front Stoop in Garner, IA

A homeowner in Garner, IA noticed that their front door entry slab was sinking in toward the basement foundation.  American Waterworks was able to lift the stoop back to its original position and the homeowner was absolutely thrilled with the results.