Before & After Photos

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PolyLevel Wall Restoration, Newton, MA

This homeowner in Newton, Massachusetts was experiencing their fieldstone foundation has been deteriorating a little. The homeowners called EFS about a free inspection. A Design Specialist arrived at the home and recommended using PolyLevel Wall Restoration to seal the foundation and stop some of the deterioration of the fieldstone wall.

SmartJacks Installation, Newton, MA

This homeowner in Newton, Massachusetts needed new supports in their basement. They decided to call EFS for a free inspection.

A design specialist from EFS arrived at the home and inspected the basement and recommended using SmartJacks as the new supports. 

Bowing Wall on Raised Foundation

This home in Watertown, MA had a raised foundation in the back. The back-filled soils on the inside of this wall were putting pressure outward and forcing it to bow and crack. GeoLocks and Push Piers were used to stabilize the wall from bowing and settling.

Supplemental Support Added to Basement, Watertown, MA

A homeowner in Watertown, Massachusetts, had just moved into their home and they had their home inspected by a home inspector. The inspector recommended having the sill plate looked at by someone. The homeowners call EFS for a free inspection of their sill plate. EFS inspected the sill plate but found nothing to be concerned with. But upon examining the basement our Design Specialist found that one of the beams in the basement appeared to be sagging. We recommended installing a SmartJack under the sagging beam in the basement. 

Crack Seal, Windham, NH

This homeowner in Windham, NH had a crack in their foundation wall, which had been patched over the years, but still let in moisture. They needed a more permanent fix. We sealed the crack with a polyurethane injection, which expands inside the crack as a foam and reaches far into the cravice to prevent the water from coming through. The surface of the crack is then coated with an epoxy to add an extra layer of protection. This two part system guarantees no further moisture will come in through the foundation crack.