Before & After Photos

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Wet Basement Restored in Bangor, WI

Marvin L. in Bangor, WI was tired of dealing with the water seeping into his basement. It was beginning to cause him stress, and he wanted a permanent solution. He contacted American Waterworks for a FREE estimate, and we sent one of our Design Specialists, Rick Weber, to evaluate the situation and propose the best, cost-effective solution for his home. 

Our Foreman, Austin Lucas, and his production crew began the waterproofing project by removing the concrete around the perimeter of the basement and laying our WaterGuard drainage system. Next, they installed our recommended TripleSafe sump pump, which is backed by three levels of protection. Then, the crew installed our CleanSpace vapor barrier along the walls and our SaniDry dehumidifier to take care of any humidity. With our CleanSpace installed, any water seepage coming through the wall will be directed down into the drainage system. Marvin is happy with the results and glad he chose a permanent solution for his home! 

Do you have a wet basement? Click here to receive a FREE estimate!

Settling Patio Gets Lifted in Bangor, WI

A couple from Bangor, WI, noticed that the concrete patio under their deck was beginning to sink, creating a huge tripping hazard. The couple used the area as storage, so they were interested in fixing it to ensure they didn't run into any other problems. Upon recommendations from friends and neighbors, they decided to call American Waterworks and claim their FREE ESTIMATE into their issue. A few weeks later, our Design Specialist, Will, headed out to the property to see what we could do. 

Upon concluding his inspection, he informed the homeowners that while the issue seemed daunting, the fix was relatively simple. He went on to say that he wanted to address the problem by using our PolyLevel solution. He informed the couple that our PolyLevel is a polyurethane foam that expands when it gets injected below concrete slabs and slowly lifts the slab back to its desired location. The couple agreed to the proposed work and the project was scheduled to begin a few weeks later. Once the lift and leveling were complete, our customers were thrilled to know that their frustrations were in the past! 

If this problem sounds familiar to you, click HERE to claim your FREE estimate!  

Basement Waterproofing in Postville, IA

Tami A. of Postville, IA had water leaking through the walls of her basement so she called American Waterworks for a FREE Estimate. We sent out our Design Specialist, Mike Radosevich, to inspect the problem and come up with a solution. After an in-depth diagnosis, Tami trusted the process, so she scheduled an installation date. 

Our Foreman, Kiko Pena, and his production crew installed our WaterGuard System by breaking out the concrete to form a trench. Next, our crew applied our CleanSpace Wall System to prevent any further mold or humidity. Our crew covered the open trench gaps with rock and replaced the concrete. 

Interested in what our WaterGuard System does and how it works? Click the link to learn more:

Basement Windows Replaced in Postville, IA

Alan A. of Postville, IA wanted new basement windows, so he called American Waterworks and scheduled a FREE estimate. Our Design Specialist, Rick, went to Alan's house, inspected her existing windows, and proposed a bid. Alan got all of his questions answered and was confident in the solution, so he went ahead with the project.

Our Foreman, Gabriel R., and his crew broke out the pre-existing basement windows and replaced them with our EverLast Replacement Basement Windows, which are far more energy-efficient, are double-paneled, vinyl-framed, and give a nice appearance to the home. Once the installation was completed, Gabriel provided Alan with a thorough walkthrough of the project and ensured he was happy with the work. 

We provide FREE estimates for all of our products and services. Give us a call or click here to learn more.

Power Outage Causes Basement to Flood in Stoddard, WI

A homeowner in Stoddard, WI continually experienced flooding in their basement when the power went out.  American Waterworks was able to replace the failing beaver system and sump pump with our Waterguard and Triple Safe sump pump so the homeowner no longer had to worry about a wet basement after a storm.