Before & After Photos

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Basement Waterproofing in West Fargo, ND

Kendra K. of West Fargo, ND had water leaking in her basement, causing her to worry about mold, mildew, and humidity. She went on HomeAdvisor and came across American Waterworks projects and photo galleries. She was confident in what she saw so she called our office line and scheduled a FREE Estimate with our Design Specialist, Richie. Richie went to her home, inspected her basement, and came up with a solution that worked for her, her basement repair needs, and her budget. Kendra was comfortable with our proposal, so she scheduled an installation date. 

Our Foreman, Corey Tollefson, and his production team began the project by breaking out the concrete floor, forming a big hole. In the hole, our crew installed our sump basket, followed by our TripleSafe Sump Pump System. Our TripleSafe is made to keep basements dry for long periods of time, solve all three water problems in one unit, and it comes with three levels of water protection. To complete the project, our crew filled the open gaps with river rock and applied new concrete over it. 

Not only do we perform work in basement waterproofing. We also provide services in foundation repair, crawl space repair/encapsulation, radon testing/mitigation, and concrete repair/lifting. Call us today or click HERE to request a free estimate with our Design Specialist team! 


SuperSump Saves Basement in West Fargo, ND

A homeowner in West Fargo, ND had recently discovered his basement was suffering from water damage. He could recognize where the water damage was happening but didn't have enough knowledge as to why it was happening or how to fix it. He decided to contact our American Waterworks team to receive a FREE estimate from one of our experts. We sent over Design Specialist Dylan Johnson to the home to inspect the area and come up with a solution. Dylan discovered that while the homeowner had an existing sump pump, it was not able to keep up with the amount of water that was entering through the foundation. He suggested installing a new SuperSump Plus system, a vital part of any basement water control system, that would be able to consistently pump the water. Our Foreman, Domenic Walz, and his crew arrived at the home for the installation process and began by removing the old sump pump. Next, they replaced it with the SuperSump Plus pump and connected a discharge line from the pump to the outside of the home. They finally added clean gravel and smoothed out concrete surrounding the pump to keep out debris and dirt from entering. Thanks to our American Waterworks crew, this basement is water free once again for the homeowner. 


Time for your basement to upgrade to a SuperSump Plus pump system? Schedule a FREE no-obligation estimate with us today!

Crawl Space Transformation in Mentor, MN

Paul from Mentor, MN, got in touch with us when he began to notice water in the crawl space beneath his summer property in addition to previous issues with tiny critters from the surrounding woods entering the space via holes and cracks in the foundation. Paul used his FREE estimate and we sent our Design Specialist, Kole, out to their property so he could do a full investigation and make his final recommendations. Kole recommended that the homeowners encapsulate the entire space with our CleanSpace paired with our drainage matting to make sure the water flows to the appropriate place. Kole also suggested using our spray foam to seal off any cracks or holes that could be used as a point of entry for water or critters. Our Foreman, Kiko, and his crew were able to install all of Kole's recommendations without any issues. Now John and his family can enjoy their beautiful summer home without any worries of uninvited critters guests. 

Water Leaking in Basement in Ada, MN

A male homeowner had water leaking into his basement and he wanted to get it repaired so he could live in a useable space. He knew of our Design Specialist, Richie, so he discussed his issues with him. Richie shared with him that we provide FREE Estimates, so the homeowner scheduled the inspection for Richie to come out to his home. He carefully inspected the homeowner's problems and proposed the solution of our WaterGuard Drainage System. Our WaterGuard is made to collect water leakage from basement walls, serve as an underground drain, and prevent water and mud clogs. This drainage system is one of the most common waterproofing products that we provide because of its many advantages and benefits to the home. The homeowner got all of their questions answered, so they followed through with the project and scheduled a date for the installation. 

Our Foreman and his production team broke out the entire concrete perimeter with a jackhammer, forming a trench. In the trench, our team installed 136 feet of WaterGuard Drainage System. The installation took one and a half days, and the homeowner couldn't believe the transformation and how many buckets of concrete our crew had to haul! 

Is water leaking into your basement? Look no further and give American Waterworks a call today to schedule your FREE Estimate

Basement Repair Contractor in Davenport, ND

A female homeowner in Davenport, ND had a damp and musty room in her newly constructed basement, and she wanted to get it waterproofed as soon as possible. She heard about American Waterworks, so she got a FREE Estimate scheduled with our Design Specialist, Richie Noreen. Richie went to the homeowner's house, inspected their basement, and proposed our replacement of concrete and our SuperSump Sump Pump System. The homeowner was confident in Richie's proposal, so she signed the contract and determined a date for the installation.

Our Foreman, Cameron Phrakonekham, and his production team started the installation by installing our SuperSump Sump Pump System, followed by the discharge line. Our discharge line is designed to remove water from the sump pump. Since discharge lines should not be run into sewer systems, the only other option is to run them out into your yard. Cameron applied 136 square feet of concrete over the floor, which gives the basement a clean, finishing touch. To complete the installation, our team gave a thorough walkthrough with the homeowner and ensured all of her questions were answered. She was happy with the work that was completed, and had a great experience from start to finish! 

Is water leaking into your basement, but you aren't sure which product will suit your needs best? Click HERE to view our basement waterproofing products!