Before & After Photos

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Carbon Fiber Wall Protection in Rochester, MN

Laura W. in Rochester, MN noticed a slight bow and some cracking throughout the walls in her basement. While researching foundation repair options, she contacted American Waterworks for a FREE estimate. We sent our Design Specialist, Ryan Powell, to her home to inspect the foundation and provide Laura with a solution. She was happy with Ryan's proposal and the CarbonArmor® Wall Reinforcing System that we offer. She set a date with our production crew to install the project!

Our Foreman, Jesus Covarrubias, and his crew installed the series of 13 straps along the foundation walls to halt further movement and cracks. CarbonArmor® straps are a quick, affordable way to stabilize block and poured concrete walls that have cracked and that are showing signs of bowing. And because the straps don’t protrude from the wall, the repair can be easily covered with mortar, paint, or light wall panels. The installation process moved quickly, and Laura was happy with the result. She is glad she made the investment to protect the foundation of her home. 

Click here if you would like to schedule your free foundation inspection and quote today! 

Sagging Floors Lifted in Bismarck, ND

Brandon S. of Bismarck, ND had an addition on his home, and its floor was sagging. He saw an American Waterworks billboard, so he called our office line and learned more about our FREE estimates. He scheduled an estimate with our Design Specialist, Ian. Ian went to Brandon's house to inspect his sagging floor and come up with a solution. Ian proposed our Crawl Space Support Posts (also known as SmartJacks), which is a system that provides solid support for sagging beams. As Brandon learned more about the system, he became more interested. Soon enough, he decided to move forward with the project. 

Our Foreman, Cameron, and his crew installed four of our Crawl Space Support Posts to correct the sloping floors. They also can be adjusted over time by the homeowner to ensure the system is sticking to its design. Brandon was happy with the installation and was glad he chose American Waterworks! 

Are you experiencing sagging floors? Give us a call or click HERE to request your FREE estimate. 

SmartJacks Support the Foundation of the Home in Bismarck, MN

Tracy from Bismarck, MN was experiencing some problems in her home. Her floor in her living room was sinking into the basement and felt a rippling motion throughout the house whenever there was movement. Tracy was concerned about the foundation of her home and contacted the Appointment Center here at American Waterworks to claim her FREE estimate. This entitles Tracy to a free home inspection. Once the appointment was set, our Design Special then attended to Tracy's property and began a thorough home inspection to properly diagnose the house and propose a proper solution that would help solve the issue and prevent other issues from arising. Our Design Specialist proposed to Tracy to invest in our SmartJack system. Our SmartJack system is made to provide support for oversized or sagging beams, restoring stability and straightness. Tracy agreed and scheduled an appointment for installation 

Our Foreman and the production team then installed five of our SmartJacks along the support beam of the home. Before installing the SmartJack, the production team dug a hole two feet deep. Then they backfilled the hole with engineer fill which is designed to dissipate the amount of force the SmartJack is experiencing. Once the SmartJack was set the team proceeded to use CleanSpace to encapsulate the crawlspace to prevent moisture and mold to affect the rest of the foundation. Tracy was thrilled and impressed with the project from start to finish!

Are you in need of an inspection? Is there any damage to your home or are you experiencing any foundation issues? Contact American Waterworks today for your FREE estimate!


Foundation Repair in Selfridge, ND

Troy G. in Selfridge, ND had cracked and bowing foundation walls in his basement. He was worried about the structural stability of his home, so he got in contact with our office staff at American Waterworks. Our staff set him up with a FREE Estimate with our Design Specialist, Richie Noreen. Richie went to his home, carefully inspected his foundation walls, and provided him with a solution. Troy was confident in Richie's proposal of our GeoLock Wall Anchors, so he went ahead with the project. 

Our Foreman, Corey Tollefson, and his production team began the installation by digging small holes outside of the home. From the inside of the basement, our team drilled a long, medal rod through the wall to each hole outside of the home. On the ends of each rod, our crew screwed on and tightened a GeoLock Wall Anchor. This wall anchor system stabilizes the foundation wall by anchoring the walls to the hard-packed soil beyond the foundation. To complete the project, Corey and his team backfilled each hole and replaced the soil, leaving the yard looking neater than when they found it. Troy was happy with the work and had a great experience! 


Deck Stabilization in Garrison, ND

Sharon from Garrison, ND got in contact with us when she began to make plans to transform her backyard by adding a deck. Sharon had experienced soil sinkage in her backyard before and wanted to build her deck, knowing that it would be stable for years to come. When she called our office we set her up with our FREE estimate. A few weeks later our Design Specialist, Ian, headed out to the property to see what preventative measures could be taken. Once he finished, he recommended the use of our helical piers to add stabilization and support for the eventual deck. Ian explained that our helical piers help pull the pier into the soil during installation and provide anchoring strength as the weight of the foundational or structural element is transferred to the pier. He went on to say that the installation is fast, effective, and perfect for stabilizing lighter structures. Sharon agreed with Ian's proposal and work began shortly after. 

The Foreman for the project, Sam, ended up strategically installing 8 of our helical piers in the area where Sharon had envisioned her deck. Now that the job is completed, Sharon is happy to know she can design her dream deck